stray kids

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Tw: mentions of @buse


You and your boyfriend had been dating for 3 months. At first it was a great relationship, you both took care and looked after each other. But about a month into the relationship, he started becoming abusive. Your daily life for the past 2 months has been constant yelling and hitting. You felt so trapped, he would go everywhere with you so you never had time for yourself. And he never let your hang out with your male friends.

However, today was different. You finally convinced him to let you see Chan. You were so greatful, maybe you could find a way to get out of this. You yet again covered your bruises, as was your normal routine and ran downstairs, getting in the car and waiting for your boyfriend. We decided on all of us going to the mall. Once you boyfriend got in he drove while you two sat in silence. You didn't want to say anything as to not ruin this opportunity at freedom. You wanted nothing other than freedom.

Once you got there you immediately saw Chan and ran to his welcoming arms, squeezing him tightly "Channie! I missed you!" You grinned ear to ear.

"Hey y/n! I missed you too! How's it been going?"

Your boyfriend seperated you two and held your waist tightly. You gasped and straightened up, letting you guard slowly build up again. "I-Its been going good."

Chan looked at the two of you confused, noticing how uncomfortable you looked.

"What store do you want to go to first babe?" Your boyfriend said.

You looked at him and muttered his favorite to keep him happy. You didn't want anything bad to happen yet. You wanted to enjoy this time for a bit. Your boyfriend subtly dragged you to to the store, Chan following behind. You were rubbing your wrist, the one farthest away from your boyfriend so you could rub the makeup off.

You were full of fear as you did this, if your boyfriend noticed you would never have another chance to get saved. You nervously put it behind your back so Chan could see.

Chan luckily did see right away and gasped, causing your boyfriend to stop "what?"

"Oh.. I've never been to this mall before. The performers are really cool!" He lied and looked around at them.

Your boyfriend nodded and turned back forward and began walking. "B-Babe... I have to use the restroom."

"You can't hold it Y/N? You know this is my favorite store."

"B-But I really have to go... you can look around without me?"

"You know I can't do that. Quit acting stupid."

"I.. I won't do anything I promise... just please I really need to go. Can I?"

He sighed and gritted his teeth "fine. Go ahead. But if I get out of the shop and you're not by the door, I'll beat the living shit out of you."

You nodded nervously and ran to the bathroom. Chan looked over at your boyfriend, seeing him walk in the store and paying no mind to him. So he quickly followed you as you dragged him into the family bathroom. You locked the door and sunk to the floor.

Chan frowned and sat next to you, hugging you gently as he didn't know if you had other bruises or not. You sobbed into his chest as he rubbed your back. "Shhh y/n, it's alright. Take some deep breaths okay? Im here. Thank you for showing me. Thank you for trusting me enough."

You nodded and took a few deep breaths "let me call the cops okay?"
Chan started dialing as you looked at him in fear "if he sees them he'll kill me... chan.. im so scared..." you whispered as you got closer to him.

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