Chapter 43 "Katara's Log"

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"Hello readers! Thanks for waiting and here's the first chapter of Book 3."


The Water Tribe ships sail the seas with Appa following from the air behind. Hakoda and Sokka seem to be having a conversation while You and Toph is facing the waves. Katara writes in her diary about the events after the Fall of Ba Sing Se inside a Water Tribe ship cabin.

Ba Sing Se has fallen. We've taken shelter with dad in Chameleon Bay, but time is running out. The Fire Nation will find us eventually, and our ships can barely sail, let alone fight. Without the Avatar, our future is bleak. After Azula's attack, Aang fell back into an unconscious state. If I'm such a great healer, why won't he wake up? How can I even hope things will change when I have no faith in my myself?

You enter the room where Katara is healing the Unconscious Avatar.

Y/N: How's the healing session? [Leans on the wall arms fold.]

Katara: Not good... He's not waking Up Y/N.

Y/N: It's only been days katara give him some time to recover. He took a serious hit back at the Caverns.

Katara: I'm scared... What if Aang stays like this? Could this be the end?

Y/N: Hey. [Give a supporting hand.] don't be to negative at yourself. Aang's gonna be just fine. I know he will because he's been taking care of by a great waterbender... Where alive aren't we? [Smile.] As long as we breathe this won't be the end. I know I'm not a good motivational guy but. I believe in Happy endings if it's not Happy means  it's not the end.

Katara chuckle slightly and give you a hug across Aang.

Y/N: You're quiet a Hugger huh? [Snicker.]

Katara: Oh shut up... I know you have a Girlfriend but please don't stop me from hugging you. 

You return the Gesture and katara sighs and felt relaxed by your embrace.

But life goes on. For a guy who lost his kingdom, The Earth King was a happy guy ... for the short time he was with us.... The Duke and Pipsqueak joined us after Y/N caught them trying to steal from our ship. They've been surprisingly helpful ... At least when they are not getting into trouble... I know one thing We know we can't hide forever.

The sun is about to set. Sokka can be seen staring at the vast ocean. So you approach him and join his solitude.

Y/N: Looking serious aren't we?

Sokka: Oh Y/N Hey... I'm just enjoying the View.

You sit at the ledge of the Ship and Join Sokka staring at the beautiful offing while your cloak is being blown by the gentle wind. Then sokka starts to talk.

Sokka: You know it's funny... the whole point of going to Ba Sing Se was to gather an army to invade the Fire Nation Capital and yet we failed...

Y/N: I know... We may be lost the fight but the War goes on. Like I said back to katara as long as we breath we will fight. We've come too far to back down now aren't we? [Look at sokka smirking.]

Sokka: [Chuckle.] Yeah... Hey Y/N.

Y/N: Yes?

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