Chapter 36 "Tales of Basing Se ???"

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Somewhere in the Earth kingdom a small band of Earth Kingdom rustlers fighting off a battalion of Firenation soldiers. The firenation soldiers are defeated and the Earth kingdom rustlers are gaining advantage... By a one kid who gets out holding a long handle battle axe.

Fighter: Spirits He's done it! That kid is just a 10 years old but he's the strongest around!

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Fighter: Spirits He's done it! That kid is just a 10 years old but he's the strongest around!

Kid: What are you waiting for? Go loot this damn place so we can take it back to the village. (*Thoughts* Im itching for more.)

As the kid walk away. Minutes later the Earth kingdom rustlers loot the Firenation Camp and place the contents to the Carriage. The kid is sitting in the back of the Carriage while cleaning and sharpening his Battle axe a man approach him.

Fighter 2: I gotta hand it to you kid. You're not as weak as you look. What kind of food did your mother feeded to you eh? *Laugh*

The kid jumps out from the Carriage with a dark look at the Man. The man was startled and stepped back but the kid just scoffs and walk out on him.

Kid: [Walks away.] Tch, Leave me alone.

Fighter 2: Pfft. Whatever you're still a brat.

Fighter 3: Don't get buddy buddy with him. No one likes that kid in the village to begin with.

Fighter 2: Hey leader. Why did you let that Kid to join are gang to begin with Huh?

Leader: Isn't obvious? Take a look around and That's your answer!

Fighter: Classic Goshe always Dumb!

Leader: [Fighters Laughing at Fighter 2.] That kid is nothing but a Weapon that helps us get this goods and Golds. Apart from that He's nothing more but a worthless and disgraceful squirt.

Fighter 2: In other words if he became useless we can kick him out not just from the gang but in town eh?

Leader: Couldn't agree more. Now let's get going no need to call That kid. He will follow us eventually once we move.

The Bands starts to Move their carriage Is being pulled by a hybrid cows with Beaks and just as the leader says the Kid follows but he's a bit too far he doesn't want to get near his group. In the Outskirts far outside of the Basing se walls the Band arrive in afternoon to a poorly looking town in Days of traveling. The citizens arrives to welcome their Heroes And the Fighters brought out the Loots that they hoard from different Firenation camps the Townsfolk are overjoyed because they have something for their poor town again.

Chief: Thanks to you and your gang Li ghung. For contributing your hoards for this town.

Leader: It is the least we can do. This people needed this anyway.

Chief: [Whisper.] It's a good thing we had that brat isn't?

Leader: I admit it is. He's the best weapon we ever had.

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