"Perfectly made for each other" he said, Celeste gave him a smile as she moved forward to connect their lips, slowly moving in rythm Aaron moved his hands around Celeste pulling her againts him, when the door bell went off, Aaron let out a groan and he let Celeste go.

"It's food" Celeste let out with a chuckle as she quickly got up and made her way towards the door..

"Thank you" she let out, moments letter Celeste showed up with a rolling cart that had there breakfast on it.

"Here's your coffee old man" Aaron sat up and gave her a warning look.

Two weeks later...

The elevator doors open, Celeste and Aaron walked out and made there way towards the bull pen. Aaron open the glass door as Celeste smiled at him as she walked in the bull pen.

"Well look at that" Emily let out from her desk, Celeste quick stepped to her and jumpped in Emily's arms as they hugged.

"look at you all tanned, god I hate you" Emily let out making Celeste laugh.

"Wow even you Hotch, all tanned up" Emily let out as she looked at her boss after letting Celeste go.

"Where is the rest of the team?" Hotch asked, Celeste looked at Emily and rolled her eyes at her with a smile as she turned around and made her way to her desk.

"ummm, Morgan is on his way he's running late. JJ, Reid and Pen are in her bat cave and Rossi..."

"is here" Dave let out as behind Celeste. Celeste turned around with a big smile and hugged him.

"Welcome home Bella" he said as he hugged her. Dave turned towards Aaron.

"First day back, relax" he let out as he reached out to shake Aaron hand, who gave him a smile. Celeste let out a chuckle.

"He doesn't know the meaning of that word" she let out as she looked at Aaron who gave her a little side smile, before turning around and making he's way towards the stairs to his office with Dave fallowing him. Celeste sat in her chair and looked at Emily who was smiling at her.

"What?" Celeste asked as she sat back in her chair.

"Have fun on the honeymoon?" Em asked, Celeste let out a giggle.


"THERE SHE IS!" Morgan let out as he almost ran to the desk, Celeste got up and jumpped in Derek's arm.

"I missed you Morgan"

"Of course you did, I missed you too" he said putting her down.

"Look at you all tanned up, where's bossman?" Celeste pointed up towards the office.

"That didn't last long" he let out with a chuckle. Celeste let out a hum in agreement. Half hour went by JJ and Reid had showed up and the team stood around their desk in deep conversation when Erin Strauss walked in the bull pen and was making her way towards the stairs leading to Hotch's office.

"Well that's not good" Celeste said as they watched her knock on the door before opening it.

"Can't give him one day?" Derek let out as he turned towards his computer again.

After noon rolled around Celeste was talking with JJ and Emily as they worked on files until there boss's office door oppened, everyone looked up.

"Conference room" he let out as him and Dave made their way around the catwalk. everyone let out a breath.

"Honeymoon is oficially over" Celeste said as she stood from her desk and fallowed Reid towards the stairs.

Once everyone was sitting at the round table Penelope showed up from the other door.

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