"What are you going to do? Turn them into ferrets?" Echoed in her head.

She heard Moody growl at Harry "did he get you?" He asked and he shook his head and mumbled something.

"LEAVE IT!" Moody shouted and Harry took a step back. "Leave what?" Harry asked.

"Not you- him!" Moody jerked his head over and looked at Crabbe who was frozen, about to pick up the Malfoy ferret.

He started limping towards the group and the ferret took of with a terrified squeak. "I don't think so!" Moody stuck out his want and the ferret flew ten feet into the air and landed onto the ground again.

Diana gasped and got out of her shock and walked over as Moody was saying something to Harry.

"Professor Moody!" She yelled and heads turned towards her as Moody grinned a bit.

"Hello, Professor Sardothien." He greeted and Diana scowled. "What do you think your doing." She said in a warning tone.

"Teaching." He answered. "That is a student! Change him back, right this moment." She scolded loudly and she didn't even give him a chance as she did it for him by pulling out her wand and pointing it at the ferret.

Malfoy gasped and stood up. "Moody, we never use transformation on our students, surely Dumbledore told you." Diana glared.

"He might have mentioned it, yeah." He said completely unconcerned. "But I thought a good sharp shock-" but Diana cut him of.

"Detentions, Moody! We give detentions." She pointed at Malfoy who was still whimpering.

"I'll do that then." He limped towards Malfoy who was muttering something where Diana heard "my father will hear about this." And obviously Moody heard it to.

"Well, I know your father of old, boy... you tell him Moody's keeping a close eye on his son... you tell him that from me... now, your Head of house'll be Snape, will it?" And Malfoy nodded with a small "yes."

He seized his upper arm and marched Malfoy the dungeons.

Diana scurried all the students away and left for the great hall.

⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆

Outfit of the day:

Diana walked trough an empty hallway when she noticed Neville, walking trough it with his head down and a book clutched in his hands

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Diana walked trough an empty hallway when she noticed Neville, walking trough it with his head down and a book clutched in his hands.

"Neville, are you alright?" She walked over and he jerked his head up. "Yes, I'm fine." He said in a quite high pitched voice that wasn't really his.

"Are you sure? You seem upset." She said in a soft voice. "No, it's just- we learned about unforgivable curses in our Defence against the dark arts lesson he explained and Diana's breath hitched.

"I see..." she said and looked at the book in his hands. "Where did you get that?" She asked curiously. "Oh, Professor Moody gave it to me." He seemed to smile and showed her the book.

"It's very interesting." He told her and she just nodded. "Good." She said in a small voice. "But I'm going to eat now, I'm quite hungry." Neville said a bit more cheery.

"I'll see you later, Diana." He waved and she waved back at him. She stood there for a while when she heard footsteps.

The halls where starting to fill again and multiple students where walking.

Including the twins, Lee and Pippa. Diana happened to walk behind them and Pippa suddenly dropped a piece of parchment.

Diana went to pick it up and when she looked up, the four of them where turning a corner.

Making her way trough the crowd Diana went after them but when she turned the corner, they where already gone.

She sighed and just went to her classroom to welcome her seventh years. When they all took a seat and where studying, mostly transfigurations as there was already a test coming up for them.

Diana curiously opened the parchment, not really thinking it was really important. Her eyes widened when she read what was written on it.

I know you know and you know I know, what's the point in hiding anymore?
And yes, this is meant for you, Professor Sardothien, or shall I say Potter?


Diana folded the paper and wrote her own. Ready to subtly hand it to Pippa in her next lesson.

When she dismissed the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws in the room, they quickly left and hurried to her next class. Soon enough, the fourth years stumbled in and took a seat.

Diana didn't miss the glance that Pippa shot at her and she slowly tilted her head, trying to let her know that she in fact, read the parchment.

After 20 minutes, Diana walked around the classroom, her own written parchment in her hand as she subtly laid it on a few tables to not get suspicious stares.

When she stood next to Pippa who was sitting with Dean and Seamus, she let the parchment fall out of her hand and lay on the table.

When she walked away, she looked back to see Pippa read to paper. Their eyes met and the girl nodded slowly.

Diana was counting the minutes until the class finished and dismissed it five minutes early. "I know you have to get to potions, it's a long walk and we all know how Professor Snape is." She made up as an excuse.

She saw Pippa say something to Dean and Seamus and she stayed behind in the classroom, quickly closing the door when everyone was gone.

"So, Miss. Jane." Diana said after a few moments of silence. "You know my last name isn't Jane." The girl said quickly, narrowing her eyes slightly.

Diana was silent. "Say it." She heard Pippa mumble. "Say my name, because I know you know it." The two stared at each other.

"Pippa Nyx Black." Diana said slowly.

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