BONUS - afterlife

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      In just a couple months, this December would mark three years since your death. You kept up with the stories about yourself and your aunt on your phone: the final theory after finding both your cars in random parking lots was that you two ran off together for reasons unknown. The only person who halfway knew your situation, Delaney, would never know where your aunt truly was. You convinced her that authorities must be right, and she must've run away after the way she attacked you.

You'd never have thought time would fly when you were confined to just one house for all eternity, but having the combination of your best friend and boyfriend all in one always with you certainly helped. And lucky for you both, the countdown you'd started a year ago ended today: it was finally Halloween.

You and Tate were in the backseat of Constance's car being driven to places just outside of town, to be sure no one we knew would see you guys. He held your hand tightly but you both stared out the window at all the buildings and places you'd not been able to go to in so long-- him even longer than you. You two would spend the first half of the day sight-seeing, checking out small businesses within walking distance of each other, and buying pumpkins the size of your heads to carve later.

After being that cliché PDA couple and window shopping for hours, it was time to get picked up again, and get dressed for Delaney's Halloween party you begged her to have. She'd initially said 21 was too old for a Halloween party, let alone with costumes, but Bart convinced her it'd be fun and they could keep it down to only their close friends.

   "This might be the last time you see her," Tate told you when you guys were dropped off in front of their place. He had his hair slicked back and skeletal makeup on even down his neck to disguise his features, and you were dressed for a masquerade, mask and all for the same reason.

   "I know," you replied dejectedly.

Year after year of looking 18 would only get harder to explain; luckily the costumes would prevent that tonight, and people who hadn't thought of either of you in years wouldn't have a clue who you even were. Tate lifted your chin, and you looked at him through your sparkly black mask.

   "You look great in this, by the way," he muttered. "And later, I'm gonna--"

   "You're here!" Delaney opened the door without warning, and you and Tate whipped around to face her immediately. She wrapped you momentarily in a hug, then said, "Get inside."

Upon entering, you two realized that Bart apparently had almost 10 "closest friends"; Delaney had only invited 5 or 6 people including you and Tate.

   "Remi!" you called out upon spotting her. She turned to you and squinted in confusion. You said quietly, "It's Y/N."

   "Holy fuck you're here," she wasted no time coming over to hug you, careful not to spill her drink. You'd told her and Delaney that you and Tate had gone through with your plan of running away together, so, they didn't know you were at his house, but that you were around sometimes.

You said your hellos and caught up a bit, she even spoke kindly to Tate. You let her get back the group of guys she was charming, and you and Tate headed outback where Delaney had gone to be with Bart and a few of his friends.

   "No way," Tate whispered close to your face, and gestured over to the small group, where you noticed Brielle dressed as a Playboy Bunny fawning over some guy who looked like the knock-off version of my boyfriend. "Should I go say hi?"

   "No," you quickly whispered back. "You want her to throw her panties at you?"

   "Definitely not," he wrinkled his nose. "Only you."

   You looked him dead in the eye, "I'm not wearing any."

His entire face fell, and he looked down as if he could see through your dress. He tried to subtly gulp and began stammering for words.

   "Ha!" you pointed at him. "Kidding. But you should see your face right now."

   "Dick," he playfully insulted you with a shy grin. "I'll take care of you later, don't worry."

Heat rose to your face thinking about that exciting threat, and you both made your way over together to sit on a long log in front of a blazing fire. Despite being surrounded by numerous drunk people cackling amongst themselves, for a moment it felt like it was just you and him.

   "Look at that," Tate spoke as you laid your head on his shoulder. "I made it to the bonfire with you after all."

You smiled at the memory from a few years ago, and lifted your head again to tell him, "You know, I was planning on making my official move on you that night."

   "Is that so?" He asked with intrigue. "And what exactly would your move have been?"

   You shrugged bashfully, "I don't know, something successful I hope."

   "Please," he scoffed. "You could've walked up to me and said, hey shit head, we're together now, and I would've been on top of the world."

   You shook your head fondly, "I love you."

   "I love you," he replied without hesitation, and looked down at you in fervent adoration for moment before connecting your lips in a tender kiss.

If this incredible afterlife had to be spent with anyone, you were thanking whatever god there was that you were spending it with who was undeniably your soulmate.

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