Chapter 10

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Roses POV
It's been almost two months since Cavin asked me to be his girlfriend and everything had been perfect. Me and Cavin are amazing Cavin and his relationship with Oaklynn has grown so much it's been Something I'll never want to forget. The fact that Oak knows who he is and wants to be with him is something so beautiful. Right now I have to pack the diaper bag because Ronnie decided she wanted to take us up to the valley for Christmas cause my family has been trying to contact me and so has Oaklynns Farther. "Hey pretty you ready to go everyone is already in the car," Cavin comes in to our room saying. "Yea I am I'm just grabbing the diaper bag," I tell him grabbing it off the bed.

"I hope my parents are ready to see me

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"I hope my parents are ready to see me. And I hope Hayden is no where in sight." "Yea me too but I'm excited to meat your friends," he tells me. "Yea me too, and I know they're ready to meet you too." "You talk bout me a lot pretty?" He asks in a teasing manner. "Of course I do. How could I not talk about the father of my child."

Cavin's POV

"Alright kids who's ready to get on an airplane?" My dad asked all of us once we were by the car. "Yea I'm ready, is everyone loaded?" I ask him while I hand him Oaks Diaper bag. "Yep the twins are in your truck and all the littles are in our car because we have better parking I don't want y'all to have to carry Oak all the way," My mom says from out the window. "Ok that sounds perfect. Thanks mom," I tell her grabbing Rose's hand and walking to my truck. "Have I told you I love when you where my hoodie?" I ask her.

"Yea maybe you have

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Yea maybe you have. Is that why you keep giving me them?" She asks me once we are settled in the truck." "You caught me finally," I tell her laughing. "You kids ready to go?" I ask. "Yes I'm ready to nap," Davie tells me already laying down on Addie. "Ok but I'm not playing with your hair I'm texting Kip," she tells us smiling. "Kip as in my best friend Kip?" Davie asked her. "Yes Davie your best friend is that not ok?" "NO, but ill let you be cause I wanna nap and I know if I piss you  you wont let me lay down." I just shake my head laughing at them before turning around and getting ready to head out. "Ok lets get this show on the road. I'm ready for some new surroundings," I tell the truck pulling out and getting on the main road. "I'm not that ready to be honest, but we can see how things go," Rose tells me before getting on her phone. I nod my head putting my hand on her thigh. She has been so worked up about going back to her home town, and to be honest. So am I, If her parents are still gonna be mad at her about her having Oak. I will have my family out of that house faster then you can say Christmas and I mean that.

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