Chapter 1

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Cavins POV
"Cavin come down stairs please bubba," my mom calls to me. "Ok mamma," I yell back going down stairs. "what's up ma?" I ask her sitting at the kitchen island. "I need you to give the twins a ride to school please," she says to me as she cleans the kitchen again because some of the sandlot crew is staying here for dads birthday. "yes ma'am are they going to ride the bus to the high school and me bring them home or will you pick them up?" I ask her. "I'll pick them up the only reason I need you to take them is cause Mimi is still asleep and Cooper was up all night cause he kept having bad dreams, so I'm defiantly not waking either of them up and I need you to be my baby boy again and do anything I need you to please," she tells me walking over and kissing my head once before walking back to make the twins lunch. "of course I will mama I'll always do what you tell me to cause that's how you raised me women. Now where are the twins?"  "They are doing morning chores and so are out feeding pigs and horses so why don't you go  out there and help them finish cause it's never gonna get fully done cause I have a feeling the are arguing right now," mom tells me. "yes ma'am," I say walking out the door and to the barns.


"ok I love you guys have a good day at school mom is picking you guys up ok," I tell them. "ok Bubba we love you to," Davie tells me for the both of them. Addie is quite at school she sticks with her twin and he talks for the both of them we don't know why she does this she is so confidant at home, stock shows, rodeos, but school wont talk to a soul. She won't tell us why either.

"Hey guys," I tell my group of friends as I walk to their locker. "Cavin boy what's up," my best friend Axel tells me. "Oh nothin much mom needed me to take the twins to school cause the little ones were still asleep." 'Ah nice. Hey did you hear that theirs's a new girl," he tells me as we separate from the group of boys and walk down the hall to our class. "No I hope she's nice you know," I tell him as we take our seat in the back of the class. "Well I hope she's hot," He tells me giving me a smirk. "hey don't talk about about a lady like that you should know better," I pretty much scold him. "yea yea I know man I'm sorry," he tells me as he smiles and turns to look at the person who walks. "Wow," I whisper to my self and Axel. "Class this is Rose  and she's new here so rose why don't you introduce your self tell us where your from and what you miss the most," The teacher asks her. "Well my name is rose I just moved here from California I used to play baseball will a group of boys down their in this lot and it's what I miss most," she says. I raise my hand to ask a question. "yes," Rose asks looking at me. "Did this lot happen to be called the sandlot?" I asked her. "Oh, ummm, yea it did how did you know?" "Ever heard of benny the jet Rodriguez?" "Of course he's a legend at the sandlot and the town." "I'm Cavin Grey Rodriguez the son of Benny Rodriguez," I say and just watch the smile growing on her face. "Ok well how about you sit by Cavin today. Axel please move to this seat up here," the teacher tells us. "Lucky," Axel mumbles as he gets up and moved. Rose comes and sits in the chair beside me. "Ok Cavin since today is just a catch up day can you take rose and give her a tour of the school please?" The teacher Mrs. King asks me. "Yes ma'am, Come on rose," I say to the blonde. I stand up and grab my bag throwing it over my shoulder and Rose does the same.

"So tell me what it's like being the son of the jet," Rose says once we sit on the bleachers. It's now lunch and I told her to meat me here. "Well for as long as I can remember I have lived here. My dad met my mom Veronica when I was two years old and we had moved out here when I was three," I tell her. "So she's your step mom?" she asks confused.  "No she's legally my mom she adopted me when they got married. She took me in and took the role as mom. Everyone says I'm the one who decided she was gonna be my mom cause I'm the one that asked her if I could call her mamma, they met in high school their senior year and my dad and lily who's my bio mom had me when they were sophomores." "wow," she says looking sad. "Hey what's wrong pretty?" I ask her. "well I'm just jealous that my baby wont ever get to have what you had." "Your baby?" I question. "Well you see I just had a baby about 6 weeks ago, Her  dad left before we even found out that we were having a girl and I hate it," she tells me looking sad. "hey its ok, so who is watching her?" I ask her trying to lighten the mood. "A stupid daycare I hate daycare and I know ill get used to it because I know I'm a new mother but I cant stand it," Rose tells me. "Hey hey its ok so where are you living?" I ask her. "Oh I haven't found a place just yet,"  she says smiling. "Not what I asked Pretty, Where. Are. You. Staying?" I ask her once more. "My car," she says looking down. "Yea nope your staying with me and my family we have a ton of room I know we still have baby supplies in the shed I will set it up for you and?" I say in a question form so she will tell me the name of the little girl. "Her name is Oaklynn,"she tells me with a smile. "Well you and Oaklynn will be staying with me we are going to leave now and go talk to my mom ok," I tell her getting my phone and and start to call my mom. "Ok." "Wait here we will take my truck cause it takes a bit to get to my house and back roads can get confusing," I tell her as I Put my phone to my ear.  "Hey mamma I'm bringing a girl home right now cause she needs some help," I tell her. "What's wrong?" she asks. "I'll tell you when we get home but is it ok if I leave now and come home now so we can talk?" I ask her. "Of course it is bubba just come on home I just made the kids lunch," she tells me. "Ok I love you I'll me home soon." "ok bubba I love you too."

"whoa this is your house?" she asks me as we pull in. "Yes it is and the one over there is my grandparents now why don't you get y'all's bags and I'll get Oak ok," I tell her going to the passenger side and opening her door. "I can get her and the bags its fine." "No I got here the car seat gets heavy, now come on," I tell her once I get the car seat out of my truck. we walk inside and I say, "I don't see my mom so I'm guessing she's putting the littles down for a nap." "Oh ok." I set down the car seat on the counter and unbuckle the sweet girl. "Hey pretty girl," I tell the little thing that I pulled out of the car seat. I pull her to my chest and watch as she roots around I'm guessing she's looking for a breast. "Is she breastfed?" I asked Rose. "Umm yea why," she asks laughing. She's rooting around my chest," I tell her. "So I'm guessing its time for you to go back to your mamma huh," I say talking to the newborn and pass her over to Rose. "Here let me show you my room you can nurse in their," I say and put my hand on the small of her back and lead her up the stairs.

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