Chapter 4

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Cavin's POV
"Hey Princess," I say to the newborn as I pick her up out of the crib. She stops her crying for a few seconds before starting again. "Oh I'm sorry am I not who you wanted to get you," I ask her laughing before going downstairs where Rose is. "I think she wants you," I tell Rose handing her Oaklynn. "Oh does she now." She fixed her self and got it where rose can eat. I smile and head back upstairs to grab mine and Roses bag so she doesn't have to come back up here.

"Ok are you sure your ok with watching her I don't wanna put you in a tuff spot," rose asks my mother. "Yes I promise she's ok I'll text you with updates through out the day and take all the pictures and send them to you now go cause y'all are taking the twins," she replies and holds her arm out for the baby. Rose hands the baby to my mom and says, "Ok ok your right thank you for this."
I smile and gently kiss my mom's forehead and Oaks head before I say, "I love you mom have a good day." She nods and mouths back I love you too before shutting the front door. Me and Rose walk to my truck and I open the door so she can get in. The blonde shakes her head and laughs before getting in. When she's safely in I go around and get in the car. "Ok everyone good to go? Twins?" I ask the car. "Yep we are good to go well I am I can't speak for Davie," Addie tells me sitting back and looking out the window. "No I speak for you Addie," He tells her before laying down in her lap. I nod laughing at them and look at Rose smiling. She smiles back putting her hand on the console palm up, I start the truck and pull out and once we are on the main road I put my hand in hers and interlock our fingers. She smiles looks back to the twins and then out the window. I'm sure she's checking to see if their paying attention, but Davie is asleep cause he hates mornings and sleeps when he can and Addie is looking out the window playing with his hair, she got dads early morning genes so she doesn't mind mornings. Davie takes full advantage of it and enjoys the head scratches she gives him in the morning, because he did not get dads morning genes.


"Alright you ready to go in?" I ask the girl beside me. "Yea let's go," she says about to open her door. "Hey you wait so I can open your door," I tell her as I get out and jog to her side and opening her door. "See that's better." "Sure," she says laughing hoping out and grabbing her bag out of the truck. I laugh with her grabbing my bag as well.
"You gonna sit with me at lunch?" I ask her as we walk in the school. "Yes I need someone to keep me calm so I don't try and leave to go home and see my baby," She tells me smiling up at me. "You know what I won't be much help cause I would gladly leave and go see her to, I mean I've only known her a day and I can't stop not wanting to be around her and you," I tell her which makes her laugh and blush. "Well we both know if we leave school again your mom will kick your behind." "Hey she will kick-."  "Cavin and Girl who stole my seat yesterday and then my best friend at lunch as well," Axel comes up to us saying. "Well hello to you to buddy," I say laughing at him. "Hello, Axel right?" "Yes, my name is Axel and you stole my best friend." "She did not," I comment. "Fine she stole my spot then," he wines to me. "And she's gonna steal your spot on the couch too," I Tell him knowing what his reaction will be. "No she won't I'll be their before her," he say says getting defensive. "She's living with us so no you won't buddy," I tell him. "NOOOOOO," Axel yells before falling to the floor. "Ok see you class bud," I say before leading Rose to English.

Axel came In and sat in  the seat in front of us so he could turn around and complain that he has to sit all the way up here and so on. "Is he always like this?" Rose asked me. "Ever since we were 5," I tell her looking at her. "Oh wow, you've put up with him for that long." "Hey lady I'm an owner to be around," Axel tell her. "Ok ok class settle down its time to start class I let you talk way to long. "This isnt Over Stealer of my best friend," Axel says as he turns back around. Rose shakes her head laughing at him.


"Hey change of plans moms meeting us at Annie's for off campus lunch so you'll be able to see Oaklynn at lunch and so you can feed her cause I bet your hurting huh?" I ask rose as we walk to my truck Axel Following behind us cause he begged to come till I said yes. "You have no idea," She tells me. "OHHHHH I call shot gun!" Axel yells running to my truck. "Yea no you get back seat cause I can't rest my hand on your thigh sooo," I tell him opening the door for Rose. "I hate the stealer I hope she didn't replace me in Ronnie's heart too," He complains once he's on the back seat. "Oh I might not have but you do have some tough competition."

"You have a baby. A cute one too, Oh Ronnie she defiantly replaced me huh?" Axel asks my mom. "No Axel she didn't replace you you'll always have a spot in my heart." "Oh ok good, well stealer I forgive you." "Well thanks Axel," Rose says laughing as she pulls Oaklynn off her to burp. "Oh Can I see her when your done?" I ask her. "Yes here." She Hands Oaklynn to me and I pull her to me smelling her sweet baby smell. "Oh I missed you sweet girl." "Of course you did daddy cause I'm your little girl and your obsession with me is unhealthy," My mom says in a baby voice. "Hey your one to talk Dad tells me story's of how you always asked if you could come over cause you missed me sooooooo much, so whose obsession with who is unhealthy. Cause I know you still come in my room in the middle of the night and check on me." " I did and now your being me. I knew I raised you good. How do you know that?" "Because sometimes I'm not fully asleep so I hear you and I'll feel when you place your hand on my back," I tell her smiling. "Wait Oaklynn's your kid?" Axel asks the table finally looking up from the place mat the littles were drawing on. "No Axel just go back to your drawing," I tell him. "kk." I shake my head laughign pulling Oak to my chest a little tighter. I look back at my mom so she can finish the conversation we were having before we got interrupted by my best friend. "Don't tell your dad though he would kill me if he knows your still on my route at night," my mother tells me. "Like he doesn't know he wakes up as soon as you get out of bed he knows I'm on your route," I tell her. "Of course he does but you know what I don't care. Cause now I have two more peiple to add to that route and tahts Rose and Oaklynn. But I have a feeling I will be able to hit three birds with stone here soon," my mom comments. "Yea I think so, I tell her looking at Rose to see her blushing . "Ok you all hush foods here," she says aloud but whispers to me, "And Cavin you can keep holding my baby and I'll think about letting you sleep In my bed." I smirk and nod my head holding a sleeping Oaklynn and eating my food.

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