Chapter 6

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Cavin's POV
"So mom what did you order?" I ask her once we are all settled in the living room. Well I ordered a new stroller," she tells us as she drags it in the living room. "Why did you need a new stroller babe?" My dad asks her pausing the kids movie. "Heyy," Both the littles and Davie frown. I laugh at them before turning my attention back to mom. "Well since I'll be watching Oaklynn from now on and y'all all know how I get with staying inside. Me and Indoors for long periods of time don't mix so I ordered me a triple stroller. Baby build it for me please I'm im going to start the new clothes we got Oaklynn in the washer," my mom tells us walking away at the end of her statement. My dad just shakes his head doing as he was told and building the stroller. "Dad can you push play on the movie?" Davie asks from his seat. "You can on your way out to the barn all y'all go out their to walk," dad tells us. "But the movie don't play while I'm gone." "Davie it's Trolls it's on everyday catch another showing now get out." Davie mumbles something about this being the best part and everyone laughs. "Ok I'll be back inside in a little Pretty but I won't be gone no more then 2 hours so if you get bored or just want to you can come out their just ask mom for a pair of her boots," I tell her bending down to kiss her temple. I reach my hand out and rub Oaklynns head since she's nursing, "and goodbye to you to pretty girl." I head towards the door and hear my dad say quite loudly, "Oaklynn say bye bye daddy. Yes bye bye daddy." I just continue out the door knowing my mom is just in the other room so I am not yelling any of the thoughts I have. Plus I know it makes Rose blush and I love it so. Plus the thought isn't too bad in my head, me being Oaklynns dad is something I think I want, and I think rose is growing on the thought too.

"That's great mom," I tell once I'm settled back on the couch from walking pigs the past hour in a half. I guess dad got the stroller complete and mom is just in love.

"I know I love it I wanna try it out

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"I know I love it I wanna try it out. So Cooper where do you wanna sit?" Mom asks my little brother. "Their," he says pointing to the last seat. She nods putting him in their and then putting Mimi in the second spot. "Ok Rose can I see Oak for a split second?" My mom asks Rose. "Yea of course here," Rose stands up handing Oak to my mom. "Ok sweet girl let's go In here I won't buckle you up don't worry," my mom tells the newborn.
"Ah I just love it," she says once we get it folded up. "Yes I know dear," my dad tells her kissing the side of her head. "Ok I know y'all don't wanna hear this but y'all all need to go get dressed and ready the boys will be here soon and we are eating at 6 sharp and it's 4:30 now so go get dressed and clean up y'all's rooms while me and dad cook ok," my mom tells the living room. "Kk mamma," Addie says first and everyone just joining in. Everyone but the littles head up stairs and too their rooms.
"Hey Cav will you hold Oak while I shower pleaseeeee?" Rose asks coming in my room. "You don't have to ask you know, but can I pick her outfit out?" I ask. "Yes your mom just put the new cloths from today in their so ." I smile and take Oak from her arms and go back to my bed. "Ok go shower and take your time do you hair and everything I've got her till your done and after. We might even go help my mom down stairs." "Ok thank you handsome," Rose says walking back to the bathroom to shower. I look down and smile at the little girl and head to Her room to get her changed.
I look through the basket till I find my favorite from today. I lay her on the changing table putting a fresh diaper on then her clothes.

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