1.04- When darkness falls

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Buckle up! This is a long one!

Freyr chuckled as he saw Snotlout and Hiccup running from the boars. He went in the other direction, using them as a distraction to check out the island for resources.

A few minutes later, Hiccup flew over and hovered above him.
"You find anything useful?"

"Well, with the witch hazel I found on the last island, and the devil's claw I found here, I think this area of islands will be nice to settle in." Freyr looked up and offered Hiccup a teasing smile. "If we can actually find a habitable island that is."

"Yeah, yeah. Rub it in." Hiccup looked back to where the others were waiting for them. "Come on, I'm pretty sure Hailstorm's going to get antsy soon if we don't get back to him."

Hiccup offered his hand, which Freyr grabbed and used to swing himself into the saddle behind Hiccup, holding the other boy close as they flew back to the group.
When they joined back up with the others, Freyr leaned forward and kissed Hiccup's cheek in thanks for picking him up before letting himself fall sideways off Toothless's saddle and into Hailstorm's.

With a blush on his cheeks, Hiccup addressed the Vikings as they flew off in search of a different island to check out.
"Okay, so check that island off the list."

"Whoo-hoo-hoo," Fishlegs exclaimed, "this is so exciting. Searching the high seas for an island outpost to call our own."

"Yeah, I like this idea." Ruffnut chimed in. "Move away from Berk, get my own place, away from you-know-who." She looked pointedly at her twin.

Obliviously, Tuffnut agreed with her. "Yeah, you're telling me, sister. I am so sick of you-know-who. He never knows when to shut up. I want him out of here!"

"Guys," Hiccup interrupted over the sound of Freyr and Astrid laughing to each other, "Let's focus. We need to find an island that's safe, secure, and habitable for both us and the dragons."

"Blah, blah, blah." Snotlout complained. "How many times do we have to hear that?"

"Um, until we find what we're looking for." As a new island came into view, Hiccup pointed it out. "Let's check this one out."

They landed quickly as they found a large clearing surrounded by bushes of blue flowers that Freyr immediately went to go investigate cautiously.

"Not bad, not bad." Hiccup noted. "Lots of fresh water, seems like a plentiful food supply."

Ruffnut held up a handful of the blue flowers Freyr was working to identify. "And lots of cool blue flowers." She sniffed them with a deep sigh. "I'm in."

"Wait, aren't those-" Astrid interjected with a sense of unkind familiarity towards them.

"Blue Oleander." Freyr agreed, walking back over to the group and urging the dragons away from the bushes.

Fishlegs gasped as he connected the dots as well. "Deadly poisonous to dragons." He told them.

"So, we're not staying." Tuffnut realized, pausing in his actions of holding the flowers out for Barf and Belch to smell.

Freyr sent them a glare and whistled sharply, the Zippleback immediately responding by making their way over to him. Freyr grabbed something out of his shoulder bag and held it in front of the dragons' nose, making them sneeze away any particles them may have inhaled from the flowers.

Back in the air, they approached a new island.
"Oh, this island is beautiful!" Fishlegs exclaimed as they flew closer. "I even like those weird dots all over the-"

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