1.01- Eye of the Beholder, part 1

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A couple years had passed since Berk had achieved peace with the dragons. The war with the Berserkers three years prior only paused their progress for a little while. As soon as the war was over, they picked back up where they left off.

Berk is certainly not the only thing to have changed. The dragon riders have changed significantly from when they first began. Snotlout was now the new weapons tester for the armory, the twins have dedicated themselves to Loki, the god of pranks, and Astrid had just joined the Berk guard.

Hiccup has not changed much, but most noticeably he has grown taller, only being a few inches shorter than Freyr now. Freyr has now taken up more charges as a healer. He spends his days caring for dragons and Vikings alike, helping Gothi with the more research part of their job when he could.

Freyr and Hiccup have grown close over the years, their friendship stronger after years of fighting side by side. The two still going on adventures to find new dragons and make new discoveries from around the Archipelago.

When Johann showed up to Berk unexpectedly with news of Dagur's escape, Hiccup called a meeting with the other riders. He had a map pulled over the arena wall and was explaining what he knew to the group. "All we got out of Johann before he passed out was this: Dagur escaped from outcast island by commandeering his ship. He threw Johann overboard about here." Hiccup pointed to a spot on the map.

"So, what you're saying is, Dagur could be anywhere by now." Snotlout pieced together.

"Well, technically, yes." Hiccup agreed.

"Oh, great! Great, great, great. So that just leaves- I don't know, let me think about this- the entire ocean to search! No, thank you."

"Master Hiccup." Johann announced, entering the arena.

Freyr looked at the man skeptically. "Did Gothi release you, or did you just leave?" He asked, knowing the woman wouldn't have released him so soon after he had passed out. Johann gulped loudly and avoided eye contact with the young healer.

Hiccup sent an amused look to Freyr before greeting the trader. "Johann, you're awake."

"And feeling much better. Thank you for asking. More importantly, I have more than a strong suspicion where our nefarious foe may be heading." He gestured widely to the edge of the map with a chuckle.

"Outside the archipelago?" Hiccup asked.

"No! Just inside the fog bank on our outer group of islands."

"We've never been out that far." Hiccup commented.

"When Dagur commandeered my precious ship, he also came into possession of a very important map- one that leads to a graveyard of ships hidden in that fog bank." Johann told them dramatically.

"Wow." Snotlout sarcastically responded. "That's the first place I'd go."

"If I may be allowed to finish?"

"Johann, last time we allowed you to finish, we ended up on breakneck bog. So, no- no finishing."
Freyr nodded slightly in agreement. It was a fair point.

"Enough!" Hiccup interrupted. "What's so special about the graveyard and why would he go there?"

Johan started to tell another one of his stories but Freyr cut him off almost instantly. "The short version, Johann."

"It's where I store all my treasures and wares." He spoke with a frown.

"Wow, concise, to the point. Who knew he had it in him." Tuffnut commented.

"Which reminds me of the first time I was labeled as 'concise'! He was a young man, very ugly, I actually-"

"Johann." Hiccup interjected. "Focus. Is there anything else?"

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