23. Memories

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*Remus POV*

All the books I have read involving passion, fairytale, and destiny had only been there to remind me that love was just something written in old pages. That they were meant for those who can not fathom ever being loved by another out of a fictional book.

But that is not the case at all it allows us to experience a connection so intense for someone who does not even exist. This leads us to the biggest discovery of our lives when we finally meet our person. Someone who will hold our hand and walk into our darkest shadows only to show us that they are the light.

This person will bewitch you for all that you are from your heart to your brain they will be the only thing on your mind day and night. You will find yourself utterly and truly consumed by them. From the way they talk to the way they breathe even the way they say your name. There will never be another most beautiful sound then that. Most times what you feel for them will be difficult to explain because not even words could describe it all.

"I just love the way you look at her." A voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hello Marlene."

"Actually I love the way you two look at each other. Like you two are the only people here and nothing else matters." She stated as she tilted her head to look behind me. "Take a look yourself Lupin."

Like she said Adeline was gazing over at me with her ocean blue eyes. I could just look into them all day and never get bored. The fluttering feeling begins to quickly settle in as she sends me a wink and blows me a kiss.

"Isn't is adorable how his cheeks go red when it comes to Adeline." Marlene whispered to a smiling Lily who had joined us.

"I do." Lily agreed with a toothy smile. "Remus you might want to wipe the milk off your chin because here she comes."

"What?" I blurted out with a mouth full of cereal before quickly grabbing a napkin.

"Are you guys ready to go?" Her angelic voice asked. I nodded as I stood up. She let out a small laugh as she took the napkin from my hand to wipe off the milk. "Now you are ready. Let's go."

"Where are we going again?" I questioned as we walked out of the castle.

"To meet the others by the black lake for whatever surprise they have. You should know since you were in on the plan the other night." Marlene explained as she skipped down the hill with Kate and Lily.

"So what is the big surprise?" Kate asked as she sat on Sirius's lap.

"First Jamesie poo has something he wants to tell us all." Sirius smirked at his friend.

"Thanks Sirius." James remarked sarcastically. "It ha only been for a couple of days...but ummm...Lily and I are dating."

"It was about time." Peter yawned as he laid down.

"I am very happy for the both of you." I said with a bright smile on the outside. In the inside I was relived. I know James is my friend and whatever he had with Adeline was not real but I could not help the doubt I felt. Well that was all before.


"Would you ever leave me?" I blurted out from my bed.

"What?" Was all she could say as she walked out of the bathroom.

"Would you ever leave me for someone else?" I asked again but this time a little more firmly. This made her brows furrow in confusion as she looked at me intently.

"Who do you suppose I would leave you for? Is there someone in particular?" Adeline questioned as she took a seat on the bed.

"James." Was the only thing I said. "Would you ever leave me for him?"

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