3. Honeydukes ^

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Once we arrived at Hogsmeade I saw as students walked in and out from all the shops. I realized this would be my last year coming here it did feel a bit odd. Everything was coming to an end. We walked around because we could not decide where to go first.

"How about if we go to Madame Puddifoots?" asked Kate.

"That is okay with me. How about you two?" said Sirius looking at James and I.

"Absolutely not" James and I said in unison.

"Why not?" Kate and Sirius asked in unison mocking us.

"Because that is a place for couples duh." answered James as I nodded in agreement.

"But we are a couple." said Kate pointing at Sirius and herself.

"But we are not." I answered motioning to James and myself.

"How about we all go to the three broomsticks instead." Sirius spoke up.

We all agreed and made our way to get some cold butterbeers. Once we were inside we all headed towards a table near the back while James brought our drinks. So far the trip was going very well and has not turned into a disaster.

"How about we ask each other questions? To get more familiar with one another." I asked James as we drank the cool butter beer.

"Sure why not. You go first." As I was about to answer we had two unexpected guest showed up.

"I told Peter we were not invited but he would not give up on the idea of joining you guys. I hope you do not mind." said Remus.

"Of course not. Take a seat." answered Kate as Peter took a seat next to Sirius. And began talking about how Sirius was the best quidditch beater.

"May I?" asked Remus while motioning to the chair next to me.

"Yes you may." I said while scooting over so Remus could be more comfortable.

"Woah. Adeline if you wanted to be so close to me all you had to do was ask." said James.

I felt as my whole face began to flush red. As I noticed how close I had gotten to James and readjusted my seat a little further. Then I felt as he pulled my chair back to where I was. My face filled with shock as he smiled back.

"Do you want to get back to the questions?" I heard James say.

"Right I'll go. What is your favorite color?" I asked.

"Red. I know what you are thinking oh typical Gryffindor."

"No I was thinking that it is a nice color."

"So is that you favorite color too?" he asked happily.

"No, its purple."

"I guess it is a nice color too." said James.

I turned and asked Remus if he wanted to join but he just shook his head and continued to read his book. That book was distinctly familiar as it belonged to me. I could not help but smile at the sight of Remus enjoying his time with my book.

"Okay my turn. Are you an only child? Because I am." said James.

"Yes I am. But Kate is like my sister. Plus she spends most of her time at my house."

"Hey, so does Sirius. My parents adopted him. So never mind I am no longer an only child." he laughed out.

"What is your favorite flower? Mine are Tulips." I asked then heard Remus lightly say that I should have not asked that.

"Lilies, because they have my Lily flowers name in it." he replied passionately before fixing his gaze on something outside. "I want to thank you all for such a good time but I just saw my Lily flower enter Scrivenshafts Quill Shop."

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