Superior Choices [Chap. 19]

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"Hn." I grunted out, crossing my arms and staring at the light-made videos. "Lay it on me."

The General simply glanced over at me with a ghost of a smile and pressed one final button.

In a flash, the holograms that emitted from the table changed. The news reports and videos disappeared and were replaced by nothing but a flicker. In their place, holograms of odd steel-framed containers rotated above the table at a sedate pace. Each of them had a peculiar glow that was specific to them, emanating from the translucent glass that peeked from the steel. They spun in a circle around the circumference of the table, and the colors cast a changing spectrum of light on the room.

"Needless to say, what I'm about to tell you is to be kept a secret from the public." Ironwood started, his attention focused solely on the capsules.

"...right." I agreed, catching a small smile crop up on Winter's lips as I did.

"Since Atlas was founded, we've always sought ways to better ourselves through science. Our technology is unparalleled, as is our fleet. Though, just because we are secure for now doesn't mean our scientists have been slacking off." James explained. In a smooth motion he reached out and plucked one of the holographic containers out of the air, and it followed his grip near seamlessly. "What you see are called 'Serums' by the scientists that created them. They were theorized and developed by the best geneticists that Atlas has ever produced, in cooperation with the head of our science branch."

I reached out with my own hand, aiming to snatch one of the containers from the rotation. To my surprise, it didn't phase through my hand and followed my palm the moment it touched. There was no weight, with it being made of light, but it followed my hand almost perfectly when I spun it. The pale red glow of the liquid inside bubbled and lit up my armor in a color that matched. I twisted and inspected the fake container, finding the entire experience interesting. My ears caught when the General chuckled at me.

"Think of them as genetic boosters. When administered to a proper candidate using the right methods, they find specific sequences in the genetic code and improve upon them exponentially. Using these, a Huntsmen, Huntress, soldier, or even the weakest of civilians can become exceptional in whatever attribute they choose." He continued, tossing the projection of light in his hand back into the rotation with the others. "The Serums are the culmination of decades of geniuses being given whatever they require."

"That sounds incredible." I said, staring at the thing in suppressed awe. Unfortunately, I couldn't help but think objectively about something that sounds so good in theory. "General... if these Serums are so effective, why don't you have your entire military using them? Seems like kind of a no-brainer."

"If only, Jaune. I'd love nothing more than to produce an entire battalion of the most powerful soldiers Remnant has ever seen. Unfortunately, it's not possible at this time." He ground out, obviously a sore spot for the General. "The Serums are unable to be mass-manufactured. They're simply too expensive to supply to an entire military. Even a simple platoon would bankrupt Atlas."

"They're exceptionally valuable and still being improved upon today by our scientists. Administration of Serums is closely monitored and only given to the best of the best. There are only two Specialists currently active in Atlas that have undergone the procedure." Winter stated, skirting around the circumference of the table to stand at my other side.

"And if you're open to the idea, I'd like to offer you the opportunity to pick one."

What I heard from the General of Atlas nearly knocked me from my feet. I was blown away by this, all of it. With that being the case, I dropped any sense of politeness or manners in order to get to the meat.

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