Taking Initiative [Chap. 7]

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The checkup passed without any hitches. With the bandages removed, I saw the insignificant surface punctures across my chest that had scabbed over before I'd woken up. I asked about the bandages covering the left side of my face, but was told the wounds were still healing and not to touch them. When asked, they informed me there would be scarring, but the wounds weren't disfiguring by any means. I was given the green light by the nurse and told to moisturize the soon-to-be scars, but let go to retrieve my belongings afterwards. Of course, there were a few problems with that.

"Your armor has seen better days." Winters voice chimed as I observed myself in the mirror. The chest piece and pauldrons were peppered with puncture marks caused by shrapnel from the explosion, leaving me with hole-filled equipment. I wore it all the same, though. Unfortunately, my clothes didn't all make it. The jeans were still functional, if smattered with holes, and my orange arm sleeves were unscathed. My hoodie... was unfortunately KIA. It was punctured beyond saving in the first place, then later sliced off when I arrived at the emergency area.

I felt sad knowing that another piece of my relationship with Pyrrha was gone.

"Yeah." I agreed, running my fingers over the pitted and punctured surface of my chest piece. I tugged briefly at the collar of the white t-shirt the hospital had in surplus. "Say, Atlas has good smiths, right? Think the General would let me give them some work?"

"Our smiths are only rivaled by those in Anima, particularly near Mistral." She boasted, pride leaking into her strict tone which I smirked at. "Also, I'm near certain he would allow you to make use of them."

"Great. It's a date." I said, turning away from the storage room and grabbing Crocea Mors, noticing no damage upon it beyond a few spots of dirt. I looked to Winter silently, a cue she seemed to pick up on.

"I'll lead, shall I?"

"After you." I affirmed.

We passed through the doors of the hospital quickly after, and I got my first taste of the new Vale. I slid my gaze around the streets while following Winter, noticing every detail. Everything felt more communal than I was used to in Vale, and far more cramped. People walked in the streets, some gathering around the various make-shift fire pits made from barrels or just piles of wreckage. Something nice I noticed was how no one seemed to shy away from another. Average people were walking armed in the streets, some of them were obviously not trained extensively, but still they patrolled.

"Interesting..." I said to myself, getting a curious look from Winter which I ignored in favor of simply following her.

I also noticed the occasional look thrown my way. Many seemed to recognize me, oddly enough. A handful even waved at me, and I greeted them in kind. It was an overall different experience for me.

We arrived shortly to our destination. I looked oddly at the smoke-stained theatre, but held my tongue and followed my guide through the doors. I resisted the urge to gape at what I saw. People of all types rushed around the gutted interior of the main atrium, the only original decorations left were the ticket and concession stands. Crates of all sizes and colors were stacked and organized in the middle, some being picked up and moved down halls by dollys. I watched the scene, eyes taking note of the multitude of armed citizens keeping watch of the activities, some standing guard at entrances and others making rounds through off-shooting rooms.

"Less of a theatre than I thought." I uttered.

"Indeed. After the attack had died down and the Green Zone was firmly established, the newly organized militia and their leader chose this building to be the main distribution point for rations and ammunition." She explained, not pausing her footpath. I followed all the same, taking glances around. "This theatre also serves as the command center."

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