Atlesian Touchdown [Chap. 17]

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I held the paper between my hands gently as I studied it with a smile.

It was a drawing given to me before I departed Vale. It was non-other than me on the paper, drawn as I was photographed after killing the Wyvern. A golden white laurel wreath wrapped around the drawings head, and its eyes and scars were colored in the same shade. Holes littered the armor which meant it was definitely me. Crocea Mors was drawn, and my shield arm carried my pauldron by the strap. A figure with incredibly long scarlet red hair and matching eyes was riding my shoulders with a big scribbled smile on her face.

I chuckled before gently folding the crayon drawing given to me by Cerise. I tucked it safely behind my chest piece and decided to tune in to my companion.

"-une Arc, the very same that activated the Automated Defenses and prevented the bombing at Beacon Academy, has killed the Grimm that had remained at Beacon Tower since the Fall. The Wyvern as they call it had been frozen to the tower and been generating Grimm until yesterday, when it broke away into the sky and took Jaune Arc with it. The details of why are unknown at this time." Winter read off loudly, pausing to make annoyed eye contact with me from her seat before continuing.

"What is known is that the Grimm appeared at the gates of the Green Zone minutes later, and Jaune Arc both grounded it and prevented its advance. Through the videos that were captured, the Huntsman appeared with a blinding light that emanated from him and a crown fashioned out of a laurel wreath. His eyes, his scars, and his wreath all glowed the same bright golden white as he dismembered the giant Grimm and summoned lightning to strike it. At the end the Wyverns head was sliced in half with a rather fitting Arc of blinding aura." She continued, plowing through the series of articles she had downloaded on her scroll. "Certain citizens of Vale, and even members of the Valean Defense Force have taken to referring to Jaune Arc simply as 'Jupiter'. The name comes in reference to the fictional god of skies and thunder, and considering Mr. Arc cast an apartment complex sized Grimm from the sky and fried it, the name seems to fit."

"... in my defense, the lightning was pure coincidence. I had nothing to do with that." I defended flatly, only slightly intimidated by the chilly glare she was sending my way.

"I leave you alone for two days to prepare the airship and crew for our journey to Atlas, and you run off and fight the biggest Grimm you can find!" She scolded, tossing her scroll onto the table as she glared at me.

"The choices were either fight or let the Green Zone be wiped clean." I retorted calmly, keeping stoic eye contact with the woman. "I made the right choice."

"That isn't the main point, Jaune." Winter huffed, crossing her arms at me. "You seem to be drawn to these situations. I hope you don't expect to pull these types of stunts in Atlas."

I smirked at the sneer she sent me. I had missed her subtly snotty attitude in the days she'd been busy. The interactions reminded me of a more mature version of Weiss, which I suppose is only natural.

"Depends on what needs to be done." I answered, very intentionally being cheeky. Winter simply rolled her eyes.

"Well, I suppose you get points for sheer honesty. In all seriousness you should tone down this impulsive streak you seem to be developing. That sort of thing can get you into trouble in Atlas. Especially given that the military and Atlesian Hunters work closely together." Winter explained, retrieving her scroll and putting it away.

"I'm no soldier. Some orders should be questioned." My words were boldfaced and honest, and I could see Winter look at me with brief curiosity.

"Clearly. I could tell you that having only read your file." She snarked. "Speaking of, your file mentioned you have trouble with motion sickness. How have I not seen any signs yet?"

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