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Marx finally got through and finally had the chance to communicate with the wizard king, after such chaos outside the king's castle and his kingdom. "I finally got through. Where are you, Wizard King?" Marz demanded an answer, "Hello there, Marx." Julius greeted, "Sorry about that. I've been a bit busy, so I blocked the communication spell." Marz looked at him with an expression that looked like he was worried sick about a current situation, "Never mind that. Please hurry to the medical ward, Please it's lady Kiyomi..."  

As Julius, the Magic Emperor, observed your frail and battered form, his expression contorted with a mixture of surprise, concern, and a hint of sadness. He had known you, for being a capable and determined individual, but seeing you in such a vulnerable state left him taken aback.

He pursed his lips together, a sign of his deep contemplation, as he carefully scrutinized your injuries. The extent of your wounds, marked by bruises and deep cuts, was evident, though not as severe as Fuegoleon's. The news of your condition seemed to have affected the Captain and the other Magic Knights profoundly, but Julius himself was still in the dark about the details of how you ended up in this state.

Julius knew that you, like the other Magic Knights, had dedicated yourself to protecting the kingdom, and now he felt a renewed sense of responsibility to ensure your well-being.

As the Magic Emperor, Julius recognized the immense strength and determination within you as you chose to bear the pain and continue fulfilling your duties without relying on your magic. He understood the sacrifice you were making, pushing yourself beyond your limits to protect the kingdom despite your injuries.

He signs in hopeless, he can't do anything. They told him they didn't know when you'll wake up and he thought he could not bear not having your presence by his side. As the Wizard King, he has a lot to do now, one of the captains was badly injured and half of the kingdom is destroyed. 

As Julius prepared to leave the room, ready to fulfill his duties as the Wizard King, he was taken aback by a groan that reached his ears. The sound made him freeze in place, curiosity piqued. He turned around to see you looking back at him, a tired expression on your face. A mixture of surprise and disbelief washed over him as he chuckled dryly, unable to fully comprehend that you had awakened.

"You're finally awake," Julius remarked, the corners of his lips twitching with a mixture of amusement and relief. He had likely been waiting for this moment, concerned about your well-being and eager to hear your account of what had transpired.

"Phhft. Please, these injuries are nothing," you said, downplaying the severity of your injuries, reassuring him that they were insignificant. But Julius, ever perceptive, could see through the facade. He knew the toll that the battle had taken on you, both physically and emotionally. The weariness etched onto your features spoke volumes, and he couldn't simply brush off your condition.

He gave you the silent treatment and made you sigh. "Please don't call the doctor..." It was his turn to sigh, understanding your desire to avoid involving the doctor. Seating himself back on the chair, concern etched across his face, he reached out to caress your head gently, his touch comforting. "Kiyomi, what happened out there while I wasn't there?" he inquired, hoping to glean some insight into the events that had transpired.

You blinked twice, seemingly feigning ignorance, but Julius could see through your act. He knew that you were holding back, trying to shield him from the full extent of what had occurred. His concern for you deepened, and he longed to understand the truth behind your injuries.

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