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"Whoaaaaaaaa! This is awesome!"

Flu's eyes glittered in amazement when we finally arrived at the Saint Crusade Academy's joint training camp. It is conducted at the center of the mountain range which has wide grassy plains that are suitable for playing Speed Battles.

At the north was the icy forest, the east was straight to the mountain range, the south leads to our camp which is composed of hundreds of tents, and the west leads to a train station rail track where we came from. The central area is about tens of hectare-wide grass field. To explain it simply, the entire area is a vast desert, only that the floor is filled with grass. That is why this place is called Sogen Training Camp.

"Welcome, Merry Knights Guild. My name is Tezza Flaschk, and I will be orienting you in this training camp."

Not to everyone's surprise (maybe Flu was surprised because her eyes are open round and wide), Captain Tezza is organizing this joint training camp. I have heard that she is the most active captain out of the three in the Cool Escape Guild, and she even works harder than their guild president.

"W-We'll be in your care, Captain Tezza!" Flu energetically bowed over and over.

"Oh, I see that our energetic rookie is here. Nice to meet you again, Miss Fluonessia Asahime."

"The honor is mine! I am looking forward to training together!" Flu continued to bow exaggeratedly.

All of us bowed as a sign of respect. Captain Tezza is a respectable person, and she's kind too. Her silver eyes just always give this scary vibe to her.

"First thing is first. Follow me and I will lead you to your tents." Captain Tezza said as she walked towards the southern portion of the grass fields.

As we walk by, we saw several club members setting up Checkpoint Towers. There are even Speedmages who are running around, testing the operations of the said checkpoints. Considering that this is a vast grassland, I reckon they can erect ten Triangles for this training camp. It feels like a preparation for the Olympics here.

"Wooooow! Awesome! I think I want to try running and touch those Checkpoint Towers too!" Flu pumped her fists.

"Please don't disrupt them. Just let them do their job." I said.

"Yes, Coach!" Flu saluted.

"Let's run around once we laid off our things, Flu!" Cruzo beamed with a thumbs up.

"Yes!" Flu immediately accepted! Just how simpleminded can she be!?

"You can try those Checkpoint Towers if you want, but don't exhaust yourself. We will start training at 2 in the afternoon."

"Yes, Captain!" Flu saluted again.

"Let's run around those Checkpoint Towers after lunch!" Cruzo beamed again.

"Yes!" Flu energetically accepted by pumping her fists.

"These two act like kids." Prez shrugged with a smile that is a sign of giving up.

After a few minutes of walking, we finally saw our tents closely. I'd say the tents they prepared seemed to be like that preparation of the kingdoms in the middle ages before they go to war. There are also people in there who are transporting Speedmage equipment with the help of a wheelbarrow.

"Woooow! There are too many tents for too many mages! Are we going to fight a dragon? Or are we going to charge through the undead army?" Flu energetically asked as she gazed around the camp.

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