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"Good morning, Jonathan! Ah, I mean Coach! W-Wait, I mean Jon! I'm still confused, tahahaha!"

Flu greeted me at our usual place first thing in the morning with a dumb yet adorable smile. Seeing a cute girl like her every morning on the beachside certainly gives me the motivation to go to school.

"Good morning, Flu," I said as I smiled back.

"Hey, hey, what is that you're reading?" Flu looked at the Speedmage Tactics book in my hand full of curiosity.

"This? It's a guide written by my father. He was once a coach of Speedmages, so I borrowed it to aid me in my coaching lessons for you guys later."

"That's awesome! I bet your father is a really cool guy!" Flu pumped her fists.

"That's what they often say." I flipped the book and showed her the Speed Spells section for beginners page. "Look, it even has spells for beginners for you to learn."

"Huh? Afterimage... Phoenix Arrow... Blink... These are awesome!" Flu's blue eyes twinkled like the milky way galaxy.

"Isn't it?" I smiled proudly. "I'm planning to teach you these spells, but unfortunately I can't do magic. I think it will be better for you to borrow this book for you to study it yourself."

"Really!?" Flu's eyes sparkled. "Aren't you going to use it?"

"I already memorized the training regimen we will conduct for this week. And as your coach, it is my duty to make you as knowledgeable in speed spells as much as possible."

"Thanks, Jon! You're the best!" Flu's bright smile is more dazzling than the morning sun.

She gently got the book and started to read the spells. She was too distracted that she just followed my trail to the train station. It was actually a good thing to give her the book this early in the morning so that she won't ask me to take her hand and do some speed boost running to the academy. Just for this day, I'm safe from her klutzy antics.

"I'm so excited to try these spells!" Flu giggled.

"Please don't. You can let loose after class during club practice."

"Roger that, coach!" Flu saluted with a grin.

Flu continued reading and reading the book for 45 minutes of the ride on the train and ten minutes of walking towards the Saint Crusade Academy. She was still reading the book when we entered the gates, we walked through the corridors, and even when entered the classroom.

Flu even ignored her friends, skipping their morning greetings. She just sat on her desk, her attention fully bought by the Speedmage Tactics book I lent to her. Her love for Speed Battles must be too huge to warrant this kind of focus coming from her.

That's a good mindset for Speedmages. In a Speed Battle, 100% of your focus should be on playing the sport as it involves physical, magical, and mental exercises.

I just hope that this love for Speed Battles will not hinder her academic performance, since most of the time she's either gazing at the windows or just mentally absent while daydreaming.


"Now class, if you look at the next page of the chapter, you can see that the subject-verb agreement..."

It was Monday, so Miss Terror- I mean Professor Azure our first period. This English teacher of ours started discussing as a normal instructor would do, and I was kind of immersed in the lesson until I heard her call out a name that gave chills down my spine.

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