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Because of the sudden throw-up, we immediately had Prez resting on the bench. Flu started fanning the exhausted Ericka with her wind magic, while Cruzo immediately used his super speed to buy health, mana, and stamina potions from the local apothecary.

I used my Mystic Glasses and monitored Prez's mana veins and realized that it was kind of short-circuiting, but still normal. What I'm seeing abnormal was the mana circulating on her chest seemed to be suppressed, and her breathing is labored.

"S-Sorry. I'm fine now." Prez said weakly as soon as she emptied the stamina potion.

"What was that? Are you ill?" I asked.

"It's nothing," Ericka said.

"I need to know, Prez! I'm your coach! I can't have my players dying on me!" I said.

"I'm not gonna die, stupid! This happens very often so you have nothing to worry about!" Prez sermoned.

"You vomited out of nowhere! Don't tell me you are pregna- Gah!"

I was immediately chopped on the neck by the President's heel. It was not strong, but I still got hurt!

"I'm not pregnant, you numbskull! I never even had a boyfriend!" Ericka cried.

I think she's now more mentally hurt than physically hurt. I find it hard to believe that with our Prez's beauty, she never had any romantic relationships with anyone. Wait, why am I thinking like this? I have to go back and figure out the main reason why she vomited!

"Actually..." Cruzo finally spoke. "Prez has this mental condition where if she gets too nervous, she would puke a lot."

"I-Is that correct?" I asked.

Prez shyly covered her embarrassed face with her towel, but she nodded in confirmation.

"I feel you, Prez! Sometimes, I get too nervous that I feel like there are gigantic butterflies in my stomach forcing me to throw up!" Flu said, trying to cheer our president up.

"The same goes for anyone, except we don't actually throw up," I said. I turned to Cruzo and asked. "Is this the reason why she can't win a battle in Speedmage Tournament?"

"Yes. She would get sick the first minutes of the Speed Battle, often calling off the match." Cruzo said. "Today was a miracle too as she managed to hold it off until our duel ended."

"But you played perfectly fine back when you fought Flu! Why is it?" I asked our president.

"W-Well, I definitely felt the rumbling of my stomach during my duel with Flu. I just played it cool and swallowed it." Ericka said with bravado.

"S-Swallowed it!?" Flu's eyes went wide in shock.

"Ack! I know something was weird that day!" Cruzo coughed.

"Swallowed what!?" I cried. "Wait, don't answer. It's a rhetorical question."

Good thing we already had lunch, or else this whole club is done for.

"I did it just to look cool, okay!? Say, coach, If I puked during my match with Flu, you would be turned off and never join Merry Knights! Is that correct!?"

"Fair point." I nodded.

"That is why I did it! I saved this club even if it ruins my reputation and health! I sacrificed too much just to keep this guild alive, so don't you three dare to avoid me like plague!" Ericka cried.

"Hey, nobody here is avoiding you. You know I will never leave the club." Cruzo said.

"D-Don't worry, Prez! You still look cool and awesome when you participate in Speed Battles!" Fluonessia pumped her fists.

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