Chapter 7: The Demons of Death

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The club was packed with different kinds of people. There were civilians, former Atlas military personnel, faunus, wealthy, and middle-class folk, and people with criminal records

The music filled the ears of everyone in the building. To some, it can be annoying, but compared to everything else within the bar, that was a small negative

In the far right of the club, a human male in a black suit and green tie can be seen looking at his scroll. A fox faunus waitress walked up to him and handed him a piece of paper

The suited man looks at the paper, then he looks at the alcohol stand to see an open seat

The man clicked his tongue and put the piece of paper in his pocket. He smiled at the waitress, nodded at her, and walked into the crowd of people

The man found another human male with the same suit on but with a grey tie on, said human looked at him and nodded

The lights faded off until they flared back to life in sync to the beat of the song that was playing

The two men went into the restroom and closed the door. One of the men put a trash can in front of the door to prevent anyone from coming in

"How long do you think that'll hold?" The man with the green tie asked
"It'll hold long enough for us to get our equipment ready." His companion replied

The green tied man opened the brief case and pulled out an M6H silenced magnum pistol. He slid the magazine into the gun and cocked it. He holstered the pistol to his side and put on a mask to cover his face. His companion did the same but pulled out an M45D silenced tactical shotgun. He slid the slugs into the gun and checked his suit to see sixteen shotgun slugs

"Music's too loud." The man with the shotgun began."Communications are useless."

The one with the pistol walked to a stall and threw his earpiece into the toilet. "Well, at least it'll cover the noise we'll make."

The two heard banging on the door "Hey can you open up, I need to use the restroom, man." A male voice said with slight restraint

"You gonna get that?" The man with the pistol asked

The man with the shotgun looked at him as he put on his glasses to cover his grey eyes, "Negative."

"Give me a boost. We wouldn't want the toilet to get destroyed, right?"

The man with the shotgun helped his companion up to a vent on the room. "Hey Olive, why'd you leave your old team? They seem like nice people."

"Stick to call signs." 'Olive' replied Olive's companion was about to remove the vent, but the door busted open."Damnit, man! I need to..." A human male trailed off as he saw the two, He backed away with his arms up. "h-hey, now, u-umm, can we talk about -" Before the civilian could finish, he was dragged into the room by the two men

The civilian groaned as Olive's companion closed the vent.

The two were in some sort of storage room, The two heard a commotion on the other side of the door in front of them

Olive raised two fingers as he put his back against the wall. Hiscompanion did the same and banged twice on the door

The door opened, and two human males with loaded pistols walked in

Olive raised the butt of his shotgun and strook the first guard. The shotgun went straight into the back of the man's head, killing him

The second guard raised his gun but before he could pull the trigger Olive's companion grabbed the guards rest and crushed it, before the guard could scream, his mouth was covered and he was brought to the ground

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