chapter 4: one day left

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Samuel and Raven were on their way to the rendezvous point so Samuel could get picked up by foe hammer "so how's the book?" Raven asked trying to distract herself from the possible attack that might happen "it's good." Samuel replied, "how's your relationship with Yang and Tai?"

"With Tai it's good but with Yang. . .it could be better but hey when your working in the military you tend to not focus on your family as much." Raven said not drawing her attention off the road "I'm still having a hard time accepting the fact that I have people to rely on, but it could have been a hellova lot worse if you and the rest of the team didn't stand up to my parents back when I was about to leave." Raven said with a small smile appearing on her face

"I can relate to how you feel- about the reliance but, yeah it was nice being there for a friend, sometimes it feels like I'm all alone, hell I was alone for the most part in this world, but then I met Sienna and you guys and then members from my class came here and hell even my brother is here." Samuel said, "If we all didn't have each other then things could've happened for the better or the worst."

"True, but hey let's not get emotional already." Raven said, "true, especially since we have to deal with, her new friends." Samuel replied, "do you think you guys can take'em? I mean don't get me wrong you guys can put Atlas to its knees if you guys wanted to but, this is an inside job we're talking about if they succeed then there's gonna be armies of Grimm comin' at us." Raven said with some concern for Yang "I can't make any promises but we've got quick reaction forces from all around the world ready for any form of invasion." Samuel said trying to calm his friend's nerves

"I know it's just- I don't want my daughter to-" before Raven could finish Samuel interrupted her "we both know Yang is as strong and capable of protecting herself and those around her Raven you need to see that and if you do then put your faith in that, you and Tai taught Yang how to defend herself ever since she said she wanted to be a huntress just like you two, I'm sure she'll be fine." Samuel said

The mother sighed and began to speak "hmh you put too much confidence in that kid Sammy." Raven said to Samuel ad the blond spartan chuckled at the nickname "by the way, how's the kid you adopted?" Raven asked, "oh, him, heh he's been doing good ever since I adopted him into the family he's been doing good and he and I are starting to get along just fine." Samuel replied as he looked down with slight doubt in his expression

"What's wrong?" Raven asked "I just- I've been living the majority of my life as a soldier, following orders, completing missions, doing my job to the best of my abilities and now I'm a father, adopted kid or not I need to be a good example for them and I'm scared that I might lose him." Samuel said, "he's had no training of any kind except some training with Kurt, but still-"

"Your afraid you'd still lose him, right?" Raven asked, "well now you know how I feel."

"Right...sorry Raven, I'm just trying to calm you down." Samuel said, "it's fine Sam." Raven replied as she pulls up near Foe Hammer, "'we're pulling up on the extract, see you when this is all over."

"See ya, Rave." Samuel said as he got out of the car and approached Foehammer."Alright, Carol, let's get back to base." Samuel said as he got into the pelican, as Foehammer lifted off the ground and took off

Later, with Noble team, the sun began to rise as the light from the sun managed to hit Catherine "Kat" B-320 in the eyes waking her up she raised one of her hands to block the sunlight that was making contact with her eyes

The female spartan-III turned to her right to see her commander Carter A-259 doing the same as he got up and put on his helmet, Kat did the same as she looked at the team sniper Jun A-266 "how's the arena?" Kat asked, "the arena is fine, no abnormalities from here." Jun replied

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