Sick day

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I was a boat stuck in a bottle

That never got the chance to touch the sea

Just forgot on the shelf

No wind in the sails

Going nowhere with no one but me

I was one in a hundred billion

A burned out star in a galaxy

Just lost in the sky wondering why

Everyone else shines out but me

~yours- russell sickerson

Word spades like a wild fire in a castle full of vampires. Marcus and I decided to having a baby was the only thing that seem to be talked about most. So much so that everyone seem to forget that kuntes was missing.

A hand ful of people some where more happy them others. Like Jane and Alec for one. Seeing as they had taking up the idea of me being a mother to them for some reason. And i can't tell no, they may be immortals, but they where still teens and needed a mom. Why they pick me, i asked myself every day. Aro is thrilled but i have a feeling for different reasons then most everyone here. Caius in indifferent. Says as long as he don't have to babysit he can careless. Hope he no just for that his a nanny duty now.

Oh and after the trials they lost about 15 guard. Appeal they had been plotting to kill me before i was turned.which in will for them. But most everyone else didn't care i was to be queen or thought it was a good idea to get new 'blood' on the throne. And some didn't like the idea of a new queen but just wonted Marcus happy and accept it and would learn to love the change.

But today i lay in bed miserable, hot and cold, shacks, trowing up, sweating, body aches. The works.

"Master Marcus has called for a doctor." Jane tills me as she is wiping my hard with a wet washcloth. But the wet cloth feels like ice on my warm skin with her holding it. Just the to moving makes me sick.

"I'm fine Jane." i say moving from facing one side of the room to the other side. And with that one movement i feel my stomach feel like it's on a rollercoaster going up and down, lift and right, and somehow this rollercoaster finds a new way to define gravity which causes me to trow up my water. And my head spins.

"Yeah, fine." her sarcastic words come out as marcus walk in with a woman in a white doctors coat.

"Dam child you look like hell." the 50 something doctor says earning a look from both my mate and daughter.

"Right tuff crowd, Miss.Volturi, I'm doctor Janet Rossi. What seems to be the problem," Dr. Rossi says as she takes out a table from nowhere. What is this The Sims.

Then we proceed to tell her all that had been happening the past two days, then checks my vitals. But when she looks in to my eyes with a light my head starts to hurt.

New Queen (Marcus volturi love)(slow update)Where stories live. Discover now