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I'd spend 10,000 hours and 10,000 more

Oh, if that's what it takes to learn that sweet heart of yours

And I might never get there, but I'm gonna try

If it's 10,000 hours or the rest of my life

I'm gonna love you (ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)

Do you miss the road that you grew up on?

Did you get your middle name from your grandma?

When you think about your forever now

Do you think of me?

10,000 hours ~dan + shay and justin bieber

Dear Marcus,

How was your trip back? I do hope it went well, I was hoping now we have no one another in real life we can talk on, I don't know, something like Facebook Messenger. You don't have to. I understand if u don't want to but that way we can video chat. That would be fun. You can find me under the name, "Rose walker-swan" but anyway how are your brothers? It's funny your brother Caius looks just like Jamie Campbell Bower, a great singer and actor. But that's ok I knew a kid that looked like Leonardo Dicaprio it was weird.

Mom seems to think we would be a cute couple, is that an odd thing to say? Maybe. But I thought it's kind of funny, I mean we just met and that would, what's the word I'm looking for? I can't seem to find it, oh wait spontaneous and I'm not that spontaneous ok yes I was at Walmart once and past the Hair dye and was like lits dye my hair pink, and I did. Lol. but when it comes to major life decisions i'm at a loss.

But on a less sad note tell me about yourself, like favorite color, book, movie, or animal. I'll start with my favorite color pink or black, book- Percy Jackson, movie- how the Grinch stole Christmas.

Oh and Demon says hi.

Your friend,

Rose and Demon

Marcus p.o.v.

As I sit in my office I get a message that I have new mail. I smile to myself Rose has emailed me. What a joy.

I read and read. She doesn't want a relationship just jet. And I can understand that. Humans need time. And I have plenty of that but fear she doesn't. Wait, what is Facebook? It sounds like a good idea. I would love to see her.

I stand and go to the throne room.

"Brothers? Question?" I say as I walk in and take my seat. "Yes, brother," Aro asks. As he looks up from the book he is reading. A book I had not seen in our library before but the title is one i have heard before 'Percy Jackson and the Lighting Tariff' "will 2 questions 1. Where did you get that book." Aro takes a puss to look at the book in his hand and he shrugs his shoulders. "At dinner last night. why?" "Oh just wondering, that's Rose's favorite book." "Oh yes you may baro it when I'm done, it's very good. And your 2ed question?" "Oh yes, what is Facebook." "Aro places the book on his lap and Caius looks up from what he's doing, whatever that is. I don't question him any more. "I have no idea. Maybe one of the guards would not. "

Asking around, Marcus Findlay finds a grad to tell him what Facebook is. "Master, it's a website that friends and family keep connected through." "I must make one," Marcus mutters to himself and to his office. Leaving the grade confused. "Ok." the great says as walks away.

A couple minutes later in forks. (Does that make sense)

"OH MY GOD I just got a friend request from Marcus on Facebook," Alice yells to everyone. "Me too." the family yells back. "Is nothing sacred anymore? Now the Volturi are taking over Facebook, damn it." Emmett yells.

New Queen (Marcus volturi love)(slow update)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz