Chapter 15 - Reunited with Old Pals

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Shang Xi Zhen, China.

June 10th, 2019 - 8pm

It had now been months since Xie Lian ran from his two old friends. Ever since, he had been fighting through the war, able to get to the midpoint of this tragedy and even close to the enemy's leader's base.

Xie Lian was sitting behind a white van, peering over the edge, making sure no enemies were watching. As he did and saw no one, he sighed, sitting back. Yet, once he did, he jumped once he heard a recognizable, angry voice.

"And where the fuck do you think you've been?" Xie Lian jumped back slightly.

"Fu Yao- I-I mean... M-Mu Qing!? Feng Xin!? How long have you been here?" Feng Xin looked away, sighing.

"If you can't tell that much then clearly our training has been going to waste."

Going to waste, huh? Says the one whose footsteps are literally silent...

(Xie Lian did not say this out loud)

Xie Lian rested his back against the van again, Mu Qing speaking up.

"You know, for 5 months we thought you were dead! Next time, try and at least come speak to us!" Xie Lian nodded, almost as if he hadn't even heard Fu Yao. As Xie Lian spoke, his voice stayed dry.

"Sorry... I'm just trying to end this war..." Mu Qing raised an eyebrow.

"Why? The enemy literally has almost no soldiers compared to us. We'll win either way, what's the point of still trying?" Xie Lian gulped before standing up.

"Because I haven't killed the one who stabbed San Lang." Feng Xin looked at him.

"Right, about that, um... Hua Cheng is-" Yet, before he finished, Xie Lian bolted off in the direction of WNF's main base, leaving the other two behind yet again. Feng Xin sighed, finishing his sentence with only Mu Qing there to hear.

"Hua Cheng is awake..."

(Random extra:

Mu Qing patted Feng Xin's shoulder, holding back his laugh.

"You tried your best." Feng Xin' grew annoyed, pushing Mu Qing's hand away.

"Shut up, you're just laughing since he ran before I finished speaking!" )

(353 words)

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