Chapter 3 - Training in Progress (Included Rumors)

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It was now time for dinner, Xie Lian sitting on the table with Fu Yao and Nan Feng, half asleep. Fu Yao, quickly noticing, kicked his leg from under the table, making him shoot up.

"Oi, don't fall asleep." Xie Lian let out a small, nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. He then turned away, looking over at the table with all the higher-ups, including Jun Wu and Hua Cheng. As he stared at the younger boy, he noticed something shining on his neck. Quickly, he turned back to Fu Yao and Nan Feng.

"What is San Lang wearing around his neck?"

"Huh? Oh, that's a ring. He doesn't tell anyone where he got it from nor why he even has it. Everyone believes he had an affair with an old member before the war." Nan Feng sighed after saying this, Fu Yao speaking his thoughts for him.

"But, that rumour is completely stupid since it's obvious he has no experience with love." Xie Lian was a bit shocked to hear this.

"Really? None at all!?" Both of the other boy's raised an eyebrow, Fu Yao speaking.

"Why? You thought someone would love someone as feared as him?" Xie Lian picked up his fork, taking a bite of his dinner.

"No... It's just..." Nan Feng looked at him.

"It's just what?"

"It's just... He seems very popular so I thought he would've at least dated someone once... Plus, he was cute before the war started, I hardly recognised him when I saw him again. He used to be so small and adorable, now he's so tall and manly. It's..."


"No, not weird... It's nice to see how much he's grown." But, Xie Lian slowly went quiet after realising that it was not either Fu Yao nor Nan Feng who had replied, yet someone standing behind him. As he turned around, he looked up to see Hua Cheng staring down at him, an eyebrow raised as if to ask why they're talking about him.

"Ah! San Lang, hi!" Xie Lian gave a friendly smile, as if they weren't saying anything.

"What were you talking about?"

"Hm? I was just saying how adorable you were before the war started and how strong you are now. I wish I could've grown like you, you used to be shorter than me, didn't you?" Hua Cheng smiled slightly, shaking his head.

"I was definitely a bit taller. I remember I had to still look down at you when you lent me stuff. It's hard to believe you did grow." Fu Yao and Nan Feng remained silent, quite shocked to see a change in Hua Cheng's personality happen so quickly.

"What? I did grow! And you weren't that much taller than me, you make it sound like I was metres smaller." Hua Cheng let out a small laugh, shaking his head.

"Whatever, if you have enough time to remember heights, use that time to remember that you still need to sleep at night, ok?" Xie Lian felt his face go a bit red, nodding.

"I will, don't worry..."

As times reached midnight, Xie Lian looked left and right in his over-occupied bedroom, making sure everyone was asleep. Fortunately, they were. Xie Lian stilly made his way out of the room, speeding up a bit as he got closer to Hua Cheng's room. Once he did, he planted a gentle knock on the door, this wooden frame almost instantly swinging open. Xie Lian froze at the sight.

Planted in front of him was Hua Cheng, trousers full of rips and tears with no shirt to be seen. Xie Lian spent at least a minute staring at his abs before Hua Cheng realised where he was looking, letting out a silent chuckle as he leant forwards, grinning down at the now more shy and timid boy.

"My eyes are up here, y'know?" Xie Lian's face rested at a gentle red as he took a small step back, shaking his head as if there was a bug flying around him.

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