Chapter 2 - Joining the Gangs

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Yitingzhen, China.

July 1st, 2018 - 2pm

Xie Lian finally made it to the gang's building. When he got there, he was quickly stopped by a guard outside on the right.

"Excuse me but where are you going?" Xie Lian looked at this man and smiled.

"I would like to speak to Hua Cheng. Maybe even join this group if possible." The guard on the left was quick to laugh. This one was definitely one of the 'cool' ones.

"You? Join us!? Have you looked in the mirror? You're like a twig, no muscles at all." Yet, Xie Lian kept his burning-bright smile, turning to this guard.

"If you believe so, then I would like to join even more. Besides, wouldn't it give you a good laugh to make fun of me?" The guard went silent for a moment and then let out a low, rough sigh which could have easily been mistaken for a dog's growl.

"Whatever. You can't speak to San Lang right now since he's busy, so you have to speak to Jun Wu." Xie Lian was about to head inside until he took a step back.

"San Lang?" The guard on the right spoke afterwards.

"San Lang is Hua Cheng's code name. He wants everyone to use this name instead." Xie Lian smiled and nodded.

"Thank you. May I know your name?"

"We're only meant to say our names after knowing one for at least a month if we trust them." Xie Lian raised an eyebrow.

"If you trust them?" The guard on the left snickered.

"Yeah, it took two people here at least a year just to properly say hello to each other."

"Hm? Who are these two?"

"Haha, surprised you haven't heard of them. They're Nan Feng and Fu Yao." Just after the guard had answered, two people walked outside, making the guard go silent. Both looked at Xie Lian with angered glares.

"Huh? Hello, I would like to speak to Hua... San Lang, please." The two stared at Xie Lian as if he had just offended them. The smaller one of the two spoke first. He had short brown hair put in a ponytail, a bit of red eyeliner just on the bottom of his eye, barely visible. He placed his hands on his hips.

"San Lang? He's out right now. We'll take you to Jun Wu."

"When will San Lang return?" Then, the slightly taller one spoke. He had similar features to the brown haired one but instead, he had black hair and was obviously more manlier than the other.

"He is said to return later for dinner. Let's go inside now."

"May I know your two's names?" Both boys looked at each other and back at Xie Lian, the slightly taller one answering first.

"Nan Feng."

"Fu Yao."

Xie Lian, slightly taken aback by the sudden answer, especially by these two, smiled at them.

"I'm Xie Lian." Fu Yao rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.

"Whatever, let's go in."

Once everyone had finally got inside, Nan Feng and Fu Yao silently led Xie Lian to Jun Wu's office. Once they had, a gentle knock was placed on the door by Nan Feng, a deep yet calming voice telling them to come in. As the stubborn two entered first, Xie Lian quickly went in shortly after, shutting the door quietly. He turned around to see a grand place filled with white, yellow and red. Death, Neutrality, Good Luck...


Xie Lian walked over to Jun Wu's desk, smiling politely at him.

"Good afternoon. I assume you are Jun Wu?" The man sitting on the office chair nodded, looking up at Xie Lian, quickly noticing his weaker features but not mentioning it in any way, knowing many must have already.

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