
Killian sits beside me, in the passenger's seat, staring at me. I watch the tablet that tracks the security cameras and Alex's car.

I see him open his mouth in my peripheral vision. "Don't even." He closes it.

He sighs. "Something's not right with you." He mutters.

I exhale through my nose, tilting my head to the roof of my car, then I turn to him. "And what do you think is wrong with me?" I raise a brow at him.

"You're losing control." I shake my head to myself, turning back to the tablet. "Your magic is growing. It's growing stronger, and you can't handle it."

I scoff. "You're telling me I can't handle my own power?" I turn my head. "I have more control than you think."

"No, you don't." A voice wheezes.

I twist to the backseat. "Malia?" I whisper.

She looks like shit. Her eyes are sunken, dead-looking. She's pale, wheezing, and she's holding her stomach.

"Don't tell me this is another thing you and Lilly are gonna start doing." I shush him.

"Malia, what's wrong with you?"

She closes her eyes, blowing out a raspy breath. "I can't– I can't stop it." She shakes her head. My brows furrow. "The book. You need to...read the book."

"What book?"

"Lilly." She gasps. "Lilly...has the book." Her body relaxes. I stare at her unconscious body. I yelp, startled, as she suddenly jumps forward, prepared to attack me. Just like she did in Venice. Killian covers my body with his, shielding me. I hear her screech and then, when I look up, she's gone.

The tablet in my lap vibrates and I turn to it. "He's here." I grab the walkie-talkie from the cup holder. "I'm going in."

"No, don't!" Lilly argues. "There are too many guards; you won't be able to get through."

"You must not know me at all then, Lilly." I climb out of the car before I hear her respond.

"Grace!" Killian calls after me. I ignore him, reaching behind me and grabbing two of the daggers I stashed.

I spin them in my hand, catching them. "Hey!" I yell, catching the guard's attention. "Who's ready for a fight?" I smirk, stopping feet away from them.

They crowd around, looking and whispering. "It's Evelyn." One whispers.

"Grab her!"

They charge, but I'm moving through them with ease.

I slice their throats, stab them through the side where their lungs are, stab them in the face. I throw my dagger at a man running toward me, my blade landing in his throat. He falls as gunshots start going off. Men drop dead, but I don't bother seeing who's shooting.

I have a pretty good idea.

One manages to land a punch to my jaw and throw me back. I land against the doors to a shed and fall. I crawl to my feet, my eyes set on the axe beside me. I grab it, standing to my feet, and swing. Blood sprays as the blade slides through a man's neck.

I smile as blood taints the ground red. I lift the axe above my head, with both hands holding it, and throw. A guy yells out as it hits him in the head.

I clear the path to get inside, someone yelling after me. The doors are sealed shut, but that doesn't stop me. I storm up to the door and slam my foot against the handles. They break apart, the doors face planting against the walls behind. I take a left, storming through the halls with a mission. A goal.

One of the Last | Book 3 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now