Chapter 8 - Good Soup

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You had spent a lot of time preparing your finest produce the annual Luau. You had completed the Mayors list, and had delivered the crops too.

As you arrived at the beach for the annual Luau, you were greeted by the townspeople who had set up a grand feast of grilled fish, salads, and desserts. The aroma of the food and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore filled the air.

As you made your way through the crowd, you spotted many familiar faces from Pelican Town, all dressed in their best outfits. Mayor Lewis was subtlety overseeing the preparations, the Governor by his side chatting away. You knew that the Governors opinion on the town meant a lot to Lewis, and therefore you wanted to ensure that produce you produced for the soup was of an outstanding quality.

Your eyes scan the crowd, looking for your friends. You saw Shane chatting with Gus, whilst Haley and Abigail were dancing to the music being played through a small stereo. Across the way, you saw Elliot sitting under a tree, lost in thought, with Leah by his side. Everyone seemed to be having a good time already. In moments like that you truly saw how unified the community was. Everyone liked one another, a trait not so common in Zuzu City.

You continued to scan the crowd of townsfolk. Your heart fluttered as you caught sight of Harvey talking with Maru and Robin near the food tables. Your gaze lingered on him for a moment before the realisation that he was with Maru again set in. You saw Maru laughing at something he said, and you felt a twinge of jealousy just like before. However you reminded yourself that Harvey is just your friend and that he's allowed to talk to other people.

You took a deep breath and walked over to the food tables to grab a plate, your stomach rumbling. As you topped it with delicious food, you couldn't help but steal a few glances at Harvey, who seemed to be enjoying himself. You smiled to yourself, happy to see him having a good time, even if it's not with you.

"Evangeline, I must say, your vegetables looked amazing!" You turned to see Marnie beside you, smiling as she spoke. "Oh thank you Marnie!" You replied, beaming in pride of your hard work. You had been paid a fair commission for your produce, the majority of which you would be re-investing into the farm and the house itself. "I bet the soup will be delicious!" she chuckled, leaving you to your devices.

Soon after, the soup was ready to be served, the Governor being the one to take the first taste. This was a tense moment for both you and the Mayor. Lewis just wanted to impress the Governor, whereas the possible blame of the soup not tasting adequate was on your shoulders.

The Governor made his way over to the pot, taking a large spoonful. The crowd was quiet in anticipation. "This is delicious!" He exclaimed, a feeling of relief washing over you. It seemed that the rich flavours of the herbs and vegetables blended together perfectly. He took another spoonful and nodded in approval.

He turned to Lewis who was already beaming. "What's your secret ingredient?"

Lewis smiled and replied, "It's a family recipe that's been passed down for generations." What...? You felt a rage build inside you as Lewis took credit for the soup and vegetables that had been specially grown and selected for by you. Harvey had noticed the Mayors words and knew that he was lying and was now glancing over at you to see your reaction. However, you did not visibly show your frustration and kept a smile on your face despite the arrogance of Lewis.

The Governor smiled back and said, "Well, it's certainly one of the best soups I've ever tasted!" Everyone gathered round the soup and began to grab servings of it for themselves. You decided to hold back, feeling unappreciated and shot down. Seemingly no one knew you had grown the ingredients and supplied the recipe apart from Marnie who had stewed it and Lewis. You glanced over to see Lewis laughing with the townsfolk's, all asking him about "his recipe."

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