Volume 6: A Great Beast

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"RAY!" Donna Troy couldn't believe her eyes

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"RAY!" Donna Troy couldn't believe her eyes. Supergirl was no longer under the monster's power; she was frozen in fear. Clark was right. Rathgar was here, and there was nothing they could do. The sounds of Hawkman's wings beat behind Donna, a hand gripping her shoulder. "Donna, I know you are hurt, but take solace in that his death was painless." Unfortunately, the words did little to console the grieving woman; any comfort they brought was dashed against the rocks by the creature's laughter. The sound was like nails on a chalkboard, something that would force your body to cringe at the sound. 

"Painless?" With a flick of the beast's hand, Raymond was reformed. He looked confused as if nothing had happened. "W- what? What happened?" Donna made to reach out to her friend, but Raymond got pulled away from her and into the demon's claws. Raymond's neck firmly in its grasp, the beast began to morph into a more human appearance. After the dust settled, the monster was replaced with a twisted visage of The Sentry. Raymond struggled against the clawed hand around his neck to no avail. A full-powered blast of light didn't even mess up the guy's hair. "FOOLISH MORTALS!"

Y/N held Raymond up, holding the man eye to eye with himself

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Y/N held Raymond up, holding the man eye to eye with himself. A Shield Quinjet landed in a nearby park, with a wildly worried Power Princess landing next to it. Prometheus stood next to her, Fury yelling in their headsets. "Protect Reynolds! We've extracted Ms. Sofen, and she is en route!" A loud WOOSH and the sound of another jet cut through the air. Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman arrived at the battle. Y/N's eyes began to glow red, and a beam hit Raymond in the eyes. "OH, GOD! AHHH! PLEASE STOP! IT'S BURNING MY BRAIN!!" His entire body soon turned to ashes, though his screams seemed to echo around the area long after he had died. "Painless. Hahahaha!" 


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