Chapter 7 - Welcome to Your New Home

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(sorry for the shorter chapter today!)

Over the past three days, Robin had been constructing a new chicken coop for you on your farm. The day had finally come where it was finished, and it looked perfect and ready to home several new little chicks.

"It's all ready for you!" Robin beamed. You admired her work. The coop was lovingly crafted, it looked very sturdy and a had a charming red roof. You couldn't help but feel grateful for Robin's hard work and craftsmanship. The chicken coop was the perfect addition to your farm, and you couldn't wait to fill it with happy, clucking chickens. Robin takes the time to explain the features of the coop to you, including the feeding troughs, the nesting boxes, and the perches for the chickens to roost on. She advises you to talk to Marnie and Shane, who have experience with looking after chickens to ensure they are well kept and happy.

"Thank you so much Robin." You beamed.


You made your way to Marnie's, ready to buy your first hens. As you enter the building, you're greeted by the warm smile of Marnie. "Hello Evangeline! What can I do for you today?"

"I'd like to buy some chickens," you say, a subtle excitement bubbling up inside you.

Marnie nods, leading you over to a pen filled with fluffy, clucking birds. "These are our finest hens. They'll lay plenty of eggs for you. How many would you like?" You survey the chickens, admiring their vibrant feathers and curious gazes. "I think four should be enough to start with." Marnie nods, reaching into the pen and scooping up four chicks. "These chicks are all healthy and happy. I'm sure they'll do well on your farm." She beams. You thank her and hand over the payment for the chickens, carefully carrying them back to your farm in a sturdy box, their heads peeking over the edge. You can't help but smile at their adorable faces and sqwalks.

As you set the box down in the coop that Robin has built for you, the four little chicks cautiously peer out, ready to explore their new environment. You know it will take even more work to look after them, but the thought of caring for them and having your own fresh eggs every morning to cook and provide makes it all worth it.

"Hey, there you go!" You say in pride as one chick decides to finally wander out from the box. The first chick starts an incentive for the other chicks who follow, cautiously glancing around. You lift up the box and smile as the chicks begin to explore their new home.

The day was passing and the sun was shining bright on your farm as you tended to your crops. You wiped the sweat from your forehead and stretched your back, feeling satisfied with the work you had done so far. Suddenly, you noticed a figure in the distance making their way towards your farm. As they got closer, you realized it was Mayor Lewis.

"Good afternoon Evangeline," he greeted you warmly as he approached. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important."

You shook your head, curious as to why the mayor had come all the way to your farm. "No, not at all. Is there something you need, Mayor Lewis?"

"Yes, actually. I came to speak with you about the upcoming Luau. It's one of the biggest events of the year, and we want to make sure it goes off without a hitch."

You nodded in understanding, slightly unsure of what the Luau even was. "What can I do to help?"

"Well, we're in need of some fresh produce for the event. I know you're a skilled farmer, so I was wondering if you could contribute some of your crops to the feast. We would be more than happy to compensate you for your efforts, of course." You felt proud of having that title now.

You considered the offer for a moment before agreeing. You knew that depending how much produce he needed, this may be a tough task. "Sure, I'd be happy to help out. What kind of crops are you looking for?"

Mayor Lewis pulled out a list from his pocket and handed it to you. "Here's everything we'll need. You'll be providing the ingredients for the main course, which will be a vegetable stew. And I have to say, Harvey's been talking nonstop about the quality of your vegetables lately. I have a feeling your contribution will make all the difference." You blushed, feeling slightly fuzzy inside from the mention of his name. The thought of Harvey recommending your crops to others in the town with no expectation in return from you made a small smile escape your lips.

"Harvey said that?" you questioned. "Well yes, why do you seem so surprised?" He pondered. You shook your head, "no reason."

You smiled, feeling a sense of pride in your work. "Thank you, Mayor Lewis. I'll make sure to bring everything to the Luau on time."

"Great," he said, looking relieved. "I knew we could count on you. Im grateful for Harveys recommendation now!" He beamed.

You chuckled to yourself, feeling a flutter in your stomach at the thought of seeing Harvey again. As you went back to your work, you couldn't help but look forward to the Luau, wondering what the event had in store for you this year.

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