Win and Lose -AUSTIN

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(Look how fine this amazing man looks. Just look.)

•y/n POV•

Tonight Austin and I get to go to the Oscars. We are so incredibly grateful to have this opportunity, and to be nominated. Austin is nominated for Best Actor in a Leading Role, and I'm just here along for the ride.

Me and Austin have been dating for just over a year now. We met on the set of Elvis. I played Priscilla.

Austin is up against some pretty good competition. Austin and I watched Brendan Fraser's film not too long ago. 'The Whale'. It was really amazing. And Austin knows that. But he did equally amazing on his performance, i keep reminding him.

By now we are already about to head onto the carpet for photos.

Austin is wearing a magnificent suit, and i have decided to wear a beautiful dress covered in sparkly fabric.

As we walk towards the exit of the carpet, I can feel Austin lead me off by putting his hand into my bare lower back

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As we walk towards the exit of the carpet, I can feel Austin lead me off by putting his hand into my bare lower back.

It sends shivers down my spine but I don't let it show. I just look back at him and smile, he grind back.

We stand for a few pictures as we walk, but I have to drag him through the halls filled with people trying to get pictures and fans screaming.

Think of Austin as a golden retriever puppy. Do you think that a golden retriever puppy would ignore hundreds of people trying to give him pets and kisses? No. He would run right up to them. And that is why I have to drag Austin. Or else we would never get to the actual ceremony.

We sit with Baz in our seats in the big theatre/hall. There are people everyone mingling before the event starts. I'm a people watcher, I look around and find a target to watch. But here there are too many people to pick just one person. My eyes are jumping from person to person.

I feel a hand on my leg and I look up and see Austin staring lovingly back at me. He has those puppy dog eyes that never let you go.

"Busy?" He asks me, lifting a glass of water up to his mouth taking a sip.

"Not at all, why?" I respond, and then quickly question.

"I noticed you watching people. I know that means that you're nervous." He says to me, resting his hand in my lap on top of mine.

Oh, I forgot to mention that.

"I just really want you to win! You deserve it." I smile at him.

"Whatever happens, happens. Whatever will be, will be. Either way, whoever wins will be ecstatic and I'm not going to take that away from them." He explains to me. I nod in response. I don't disagree.


As Austin's nomination gets closer and closer, I can see him become more tense as winners are announced for other categories.

He has his hands in his lap in fists bouncing up and down. As a nervous reaction.

I reach into his lap and grab his fists, i untangle his fingers that were intertwined with each other to relax his hands slightly. I then take my thumb and rub it smoothly against his knuckles over and over again.

As we see the announcement that the Best Actor award is next, I look him in the eyes. 

"Don't worry. I love you." I mouth silently to him. He grins to himself and looks away, facing the stage again.

'And the winner is... Brendan Fraser!' The whole crowd erupts into cheering and clapping.

Austin's posture softens, as he looks back to me.

Soon enough he begins to clap along with the crowd, smiling, fake.

I know it's fake.

Brendan gives his speech and walks off stage with his Oscar award.

I tap Austin's shoulder lightly, as to not scare him.

He turns around and looks at me with those puppy dog eyes.

"I'm so sorry you didn't win, baby. You really did deserve it. I promise." I reassure him, hopefully comforting him a little bit.

"Yes you did." Baz agrees with me, putting his hand on my shoulder lightly.

"It's okay guys. Brendan deserved that just as much as any of the nominees did. But he won, and that's amazing for him! I will win and lose. And I can live with that. I have to." He smiles back at us. We nod in response.

"Y/n?" I look at him "I'm already a winner, because I got you." I stare at him with all the love I have in my eyes.

"Thank you." I say. "You're the best."

Y'all I am so sorry I haven't posted in so long. Like really sorry. Don't forget how much I love all of you!!!


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