Pretty Princess -ELVIS

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•Y/n POV•

I laid hunched in a ball on my bed. Period cramps are the worst thing to ever exist.

I looked horrible too, normally when a human is in excruciating pain they don't want to sit at a vanity and put creams all over their face.

"Feeling any better?" Elvis asked me, carrying in a cup of hot tea, and a hot water bottle. He's such a sweet boyfriend.

"No-sir-ee!" I said, still in a ball.

Elvis sat down on the end of the bed, handing me the hot water bottle, hoping it will help ease my pain.

"I have an idea." Elvis said with a sly grin on his face.

"Oh no." I thought.

He sat up from the bed, the mattress leaving an indent from his heavy bottom. He walked over to my vanity and grabbed everything he saw my use on a regular basis. He liked watching me do my makeup, it fascinated him for some reason.

He set all of the products on my bed sheets, leaving me confused as I looked up at him.

"Make me a pretty princess!" He exclaimed, with a high pitched voice.

"...what...why?" I asked him.

"Well I was thinking, if you wanted to try get your mind off your pain instead of drowning in it. You can do something with me! And I thought that this would be fun." He explained.

"I guess we can give it a try." I said, sitting up slowly. I grabbed some makeup.

"It's not going to be your shade." I said to him, putting some foundation on his face.

"That's ok, I'll just look like you then!" He said, grinning.

I'll admit, he's pretty cute when he try's.

I went to put eyeliner on him.

"Wait," he said "I'm a professional at eyeliner, I do it for my shows." He gave me a gentle wink, going over to the mirror to put it on his lowers water line.

Once he was done he walked back over to me and sat down, holding a hand mirror. It was pink.

"I'm sooo pretty!" He said, hugging me while laughing.

"You look ridiculous, e.p.!" I exclaimed to him.

Ha gave me a huge frown, going to lay down with me on the bed. We just sat for a while looking up at the ceiling. Until we were 'politely' interrupted by my sister walking into the room, without knocking.

"Hey do y- what is on that boys face?" My younger sister asked.

"Why it's makeup, y/s/n!" Elvis said, sitting up looking at my sister.

"But only girls like me can wear makeup?" She questioned, standing in the doorway.

"Well, thats just not true! I'm a boy and I'm wearing makeup right now." Elvis said, kindly.

"Hmm. I guess. I'll go ask daddy!" My sister said, about to close the door.

"No! Don't ask daddy, he's busy right now. You can believe us." I said, hoping she WOULD believe that's what everyone thought.

she gave me a questioning look.

"We wouldn't lie to you would we?" I said as me and Elvis gave her puppy dog eyes.

"I hope not!" She said, skipping out of my room happily.

"Boy, I wish I was 9 again." Elvis said with a sigh.

"We all do, but you can't date pretty boys like you at 9. My daddy wouldn't approve."

"You're daddy still doesn't approve, honey!" Elvis said with a chuckle.

I knew that he was right. No father wants his little girl dating a "ferret" looking boy. But I loved him, nobody knows what it's like.

So sorry that this one is short! I'm at school rn

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