Tombstones In Common -ELVIS

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•Elvis POV•

Today one day per-month that I go talk to my ma. The one day per-month I can get away from all the fame, security, and even the colonel.

I drive down in a black car, to the cemetery where my mum is buried. She wanted to be buried right next to her own mother. I made that happen, along with my fathers help.

I park near the curb, and begin walking up the grass hill. It has a variety of wildflowers growing on top of the soil, it makes me think of her.

She always smelt like flowers, unless she was drinking... that's how she passed away. Liver failure.

I've always felt that it was my fault. If I hadn't gotten drafted away to Germany, she never would have gotten that bad of a drinking habit upon my leaving.

I felt horrible. I honestly, considered suicide. But I knew how many peoples lives depended on me, all of the women who were practically  in love with me. I wasn't just going to let all of my life's work go to waste.

I slowly approached her grave. I felt a single tear fall from my left eye.

Whenever I come here I bring a record of mine for her to listen to.

I placed my newest record in front of her name on her tombstone.

I sat down next to her, after setting down a soft blanket that she knitted me as a child.

I leaned my head against the stone.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault satnin..." I whispered.

I felt a light breeze and a leave fell on the blanket, fall was her favourite season.

I saw someone walk up to a tombstone, a few meters away.

She saw me looking at her, I gave her a weak smile.

•Y/n POV•

I saw a man sitting against a tombstone, he smiled at me as I glanced at him.

I wiped the cold tears off my face, deciding to go talk to the man. I just needed to talk to someone at least.

I walked up to him, glancing at the record leaned up against the stone. I realized who he was, it was hard to tell he was wearing all black, a hat, and sunglasses.

"Look, I'm not here for an autograph. I just need someone to talk to." I sat down next to him, gently.

"I get it. Who are you here for? If you don't mind me asking miss." He said quietly, and very politely.

"My mother. She passed away while giving birth to my younger sister. She's 7 now. It's been hard y'know? Moneys tough to get, and school is even tougher to get through. I just want her to have a good life." I said over explaining to Elvis. I felt tears begin to fall from my eyes.

I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder.

"It's alright, I can help you guys out if you'd like? I don't want you guys to have to suffer. Where's your father?" He asked me, rubbing my back slowly.

"He erm... left." I looked down, fidgeting with my fingers.

"Oh... you really are all alone eh? Let me help." He insisted.

"No it's alright, I've had to turn people down before. I feel like a charity case." I said to him.

He looked up into the cloudy sky before talking, "it's not charity if I'm your friend."

I tilted my head at him. I guess that is true but, I barely know him? He's famous, he doesn't want to be my friend.

"I uh... it's too much of a hassle to be my friend. You're a famous young man, you have much better things to do than help a pathetic 19 year old." I said to him, sulking slightly.

"No! The thing I want to do most with my life is help people. And now that you're my friend, I help my friends with whatever they need. So let me help you." He said, putting his hand on mind, noticing I was picking at my fingers.

I said nothing.

He wrapped his arms around me, it was nice. I haven't had a genuine hug in years.

"I'm sorry about your mum.." I mumbled into his shoulder, through sniffles.

"It's alright, she'd just be happy that someone is helping you." He said blandly.

"Y/n. My name is y/n." I said pulling out of the hug.

"Okay miss y/n. As you know, I'm Elvis!" He said with a light chuckle.

I laughed along with him.

After we talked a bit more, he began to tell me everything about his mother, Gladys Presley.

I told him all bout my mother as well. We both helped eachother. We spent the whole day just sitting there.

It was great. I really needed this. I could tell he needed the same.

Elvis Presley • Austin Butler imagines Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu