Puppy Dog Eyes -AUSTIN

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•y/n POV•

Today is a lazy Sunday. Me and Austin had no plans except to sit around and chill.

We rarely have days like this as Austin and i are so busy with filming. But when we do have days like these, we take advantage of them.

Austin and I like to go on walks, but it's hard with paparazzi sometimes.

"Hey," Austin was sitting next to me on the couch "wanna go on a walk? It's nice and sunny out today." I asked him.

"Sure, but since it's before 5 there will probably be paparazzi following us everywhere." He said to me, standing up.

"That's alright, I think I'm used to it by now!" I said with a light laugh, standing up with him.

I decided to stay in the comfy clothes I already had on. Austin did the same.

We both threw on some shoes, a jacket, and headed out the door.

Me and Austin love to share AirPods, so we can both listen to the same song together. So we quickly both put one airpods in.

We began walking down our driveway, heading down the road slowly.

I grabbed Austin's hand, his hand was huge compared to mine. But I always seemed to have cold hands so his hands being bigger gave me more warmth.

We soon made it to downtown L.A.

There was now quite a few men taking photos of us with there fancy cameras.

But I honestly didn't care because I kinda thought that I looked pretty good right now

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But I honestly didn't care because I kinda thought that I looked pretty good right now.

As we walked past the small shops, I saw a little box on the sidewalk we are on.

I glanced over the edge and stopped walking right away.

"Austin!" I shouted.

"What?! What's wrong?" He shot his head back at me.

"Look! It's a homeless puppy!" I said pointing to the cardboard box in front of me.

"Oh my. Poor thing." Austin said, leaning down closer to the puppy.

The puppy didn't even look sad, it just looked happy to have attention!

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The puppy didn't even look sad, it just looked happy to have attention!

As the cameras were flashing at us, I put my hand in front of the puppy for it to sniff me.

It quickly started jumping around, wagging its tail at me, i gently petted the cutie.

As I was petting the puppy, I looked up at Austin. He was trying to get the paparazzi to leave us alone. He wasn't making any progress.

"Austin!" I whispered to him.

He came and squatted down next to me.

"I think we have a new family member!" I said excitedly, as he looked down smiling at the happy puppy.

"Looks like it. Grab the little one and we should head home, before it gets busy around here." He said to me.

I lifted up the puppy and it licked my face all over, I was so happy.


We soon walked into the front door of our home. I still had the puppy in my hands.

"We should probably check if it's a girl or boy." I said to him, taking off my shoes.

He grabbed the puppy out of my hands, and gave it a squeeze out of love.

After Austin lifted up the puppy to get a good view of its underside he told me what it was

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After Austin lifted up the puppy to get a good view of its underside he told me what it was.

"It's a... boy!" He said, handing me him.

"Hmm, Jesse." I said blankly.

"Huh?" Austin raised an eyebrow at me.

"We will name him Jesse! In honour of Elvis' brother." I said to him, explaining.

"Aww, that's an amazing idea!" He exclaimed, giving Jesse a little pat on the head.

"Mhm. Welcome to the family Jesse." I said, kindly.

"He's like our fur baby! So adorable." Austin said to me.

"Yea!" I said back.

I'm glad he thinks it's 'adorable' because....

Surprise! I'm pregnant.

I hope he's happy when he finds out.

Lmk if you want a part 2!

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