Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Solomon sat silently against the wall, looking up at the dark ceiling. He had been found shortly after he sent Evangeline to Lamia, and Skylar had been recovered afterwards as well. She had been hurt, but conscious, and rightfully accused him of treason. He didn't resist his arrest, or when he had been thrown down in the dungeon.

He had been here for nearly three days. He could hear the groans of the other prisoners down the hallway. Most of them were injured, whether due to torture or injuries they had received during the assault, and they were being denied treatment. Likely on Marak's order. He wanted to see them wither in pain, break them down before finally killing them. Or he was getting a thrill from their pain, Solomon couldn't be sure.

As a mage, he had been separated from the rest of the prisoners. He was locked in a small cell at the very end of the hallway, far from everyone else who were moaning and shuffling around their cells. Around his wrists were thick metal cuffs, red symbols glowing from them. His mana was restrained, leaving him weak and useless.

Only another archmage could open these up. Any other mage that would try would only end up hurting themselves, possibly permanently scarring themselves or even dying. He knew that best; he had designed these chains in the first place.

Thunderous footsteps caught his attention. He looked up, and saw two guards approach. What he hadn't expected was Sebastian to be walking between them. When their eyes might, rage took over his face with his violet eyes shining brightly. But neither guard could stop him, Sebastian stormed forward. He attempted to reach through the bars to grab his robe, but Solomon just leaned away to keep himself out of reach.

That only infuriated Sebastian more. "You son of a bitch!" he snarled. "Where did you send my sister?!"

"I have no obligation to say," Solomon said, unfazed by the pure hatred spilling from the other's voice. Nor was he unfazed when his fierce gaze intensified. "And even if I did, I would not tell you."

"You bastard!" Sebastian shouted, shaking the bars. "Tell me where the fuck you sent my sister, or I swear to the fucking Gods-!"

"You cannot do anything to me. I am an imperial prisoner. Only the emperor is allowed to punish me."

"You fucking-!" Sebastian's hands began to burn, fire slowly engulfing them as his grip on the bars tightened. The only reason they didn't melt was due to magic, but Solomon still leaned away so as to not receive more burns than he already had.


Both Sebastian and Solomon turned. The two guards he had brought with him had also turned, though they quickly bowed low. Sebastian pressed his lips together, giving a reluctant bow as Marak walked forward. His expression was hardened, his eyes blazing with rage. But the restraint he had was obvious from his twitching wings and tail.

"What are you doing here?" he demanded, glaring at the young mage.

"... He's responsible for Eve's disappearance."

Marak's eyes brightened with rage. "She's your empress, mage. Respect her as such-!"

"Before she's the empress, she's my sister!" Sebastian shouted, throwing his hands up in frustration. "And this bastard is responsible for her disappearance-! He's a fucking traitor that should be hanged!"

Marak snarled, his wings flaring up with his tail whipping behind him. It made Sebastian flinch back, but he still didn't look away from the emperor. His hands had fallen to his eyes, clenching into shaking fists. The guards looked nervous, looking between their emperor and the mage, while Solomon just remained sitting quietly in his cell.

"You will do well to remember that I am your emperor," Marak growled, taking a step towards him. "The only reason why I will tolerate this disrespect is because my wife is your sister. But you will not raise your voice at me again."

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