Start from the beginning

"I'm actually quite pissed off, we've all just thrown away our messages for no reason." Holly scoffs.

"Well, I don't know why I didn't expect this to be honest." The blonde tells Sugarlips.

"I can't lie, I didn't expect it. But, charge it init, like you might as well move on." Max shrugs.

"Yeah." Kate agrees, nodding her head.

"I know I should've taken Destini's Points." Holly shakes her head.

"You should've." Max turns to her.

"I was shocked that you didn't take points. But, I think I was shocked that other people didn't. I thought Destini would choose Holly. Then she took my own points and I was like, hello? Urm, but yeah no it's just so annoying." Kate groans looking at the ceiling.

"Everyone's just dicks basically. Apart from Grace and Chip. Ily and Bill I can let it slide. But yeah." Holly leans her head between Kate and Max. "No offence Rachel." She quickly adds on.

"I thought everyone would be a bit nicer but at the end of the day, there's two days left so, people are being feral," Kate explains.

"Nah last two days I've gotta show love man." Max leans back in the seat. "You know what I mean?" He asks, the girls as they fist-bump him.

"Yeah." The blonde nods.

"Sure, I ain't showing love to anyone apart from myself and boyfriend." Holly shrugs, making Max turn and glare at her. "Oh, and our son." She adds on, patting the nineteen-year-old on the back.

"That's what I thought." Max nods.

"I will ground you, don't test me." Holly playfully says, pointing at him.

"Sorry mum." He looks to the floor.

"Aww, a cute little family."

"I just want my dog back if I'm being honest, I'll give up anything." Holly winks at the camera, smirking.

"I can see what I can do."

"What does that mean?" Kate wonders, looking around the room.

"Kate, it's time for you to go back to the housemates, I need to talk to Max and Holly alone."

"What's going on?" Kate looks at the two people in the room with her.

"We haven't got a clue," Holly tells her, shrugging her shoulders.

"Kate, you need to go now."

"Okay." Kate nods, walking out of the room.

"Right plan time, Max and I need to be sent home, you need to come up with a reason." Holly points at the camera.

"You're going to break Chip's heart." Max laughs, turning to the girl.

"Don't, I'm trying hard not to think about it. If you watch this back Josh, just know I'm sorry and I love you." Holly puts her hand on her chest.

"So should we just go upstairs, and you'll make an announcement?"
Max questions.

"That's exactly what I will do Max."

"Oh my god, are you stupid?" Holly turns to the youngest.

"No." Max scoffs, shaking his head, making Holly and Sugarlips laugh. "You're actually mocking it now, and so is Sugarlips." Max huffs, as he stands up.

They don't know about us ~ Josh LarkinWhere stories live. Discover now