Chapter 7

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Sinking deeper into his jacket while frowning the blonde barely heard a word from what the Hokage's saying 'god the smell is horrible'.

"Mission" something "bridge builder" something "escort" something

Naruto didn't need to hear more so he can figure what the mission is about. Sl he moved his eyes in the room in search for something else to distract him from the smell of sweat and alcohol. Sakura moved to the farthest side of the room while Saskue followed Naruto in sinking in his high neck shirt while Kakashi touched his mask once or twice.

Suddenly they all left and Naruto simply followed, the moment his foot stepped out of the Hokage tower he inhaled deeply the incoming fresh air.

"Meeting will be after an hour grab some stuff for a two days trip and head to the gates." Kakashi ordered. Naruto spinned on his heels while chanting with visible relief "great that's just the right amount of time!"

"Are you trying to be sarcastic? I could barely reach my house an-" Saskue was cut off with Naruto suddenly falling into a cold tone.

"Quite Uchiha." Moving his eyes to the old he took a step back then said "I mean you have enough time to shower then meet us. All your stuff are packed in that bag anyway so it's no biggy"

The builder felt offended yet somehow embarrassed and wanted to defend himself but had some money thrown at him by Naruto who continued "if your plan is to kill anyone who comes near three meters radious of you then just know you're not just pushing off the enemy's but me too. Maybe you're used to sweat and alcohol but my nose is sensitive and must be treated with delicate care, so please shower."

Naruto walked away still feeling the horrible smell ripping in his head. Kakashi bowed in a gesture of respect and apology then rushed Saskue and Sakura to their rooms so they're not late before he followed the blonde scolding him.

"Naruto that was no way to treat a-" and he disappeared. 'that prat'

Saskue turned the corner apart from Sakura while heading to his home then let out the chuckle he pressed from earlier only to frown in anger his jaw sticking out while cursing the Uzumaki's name. He insulted him with his cold eyes and voice cutting his sentence as if he's his boss or something 'who does he think he is?'

His thoughts about Naruto continued until he reached his flat and started packing. It's his first mission so he was foggy and confused about what should he get.

'will this bag be ok? Or is it too small? Maybe it's too big actually what should I even put? Shurikens are sealed in my wrist.. maybe kunai's! No I won't even use them and it's a struggle to get them out. So some explosive scrolls? ... I'm dump It's an escorting mission why would I need to blow anyone up? But then what should I take? And oh yes I definitely need a smaller bag. Then food, two boxes for lunch and one for breakfast then three water cans just incase and some healing potions.. maybe this I remember it works against snake bites and such of and a bandaid surely maybe some cotton too... I'll need the bigger bag.'

After the struggle came undone Saskue checked the clock and it's already been half an hour so rushing out to reach the gates in time he stopped suddenly in the middle of the street then looked back.

Eyeing the road that Naruto took Infront of him for hundreds of time to reach his home. He felt the need to stay and wait. Him and Naruto are not used to going anywhere together. But they're teammates now right? Shouldn't they go together?

Minutes passed and still no sight of the Uzumaki, 'could it be that he's already ahead of me?' deciding on not thinking of it more he walked to the gates.

Narusasu.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora