Chapter 4

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Days and month passed way more faster than anyone imagined. Naruto barely spends time in the village expect for the academy that he didn't attend all the time and of course ichiraku every Wednesday.

He was busy training and got even more stronger than before. After going on missions with team guy he had more money.

Which allowed him to eat the right food and grow taller and healthier. Now that his body can keep up with the physical pressure of training he's mastering alot of ninjutsu and he started learning seals which was way more difficult than expected.

Saskue carried on training as always he's now more used to the sharingan and can master jutsu's alot faster after copying it.

He dropped the idea of thanking Naruto even tho he met him several times in the academy and in the training grounds.

It's their graduation day and they have to pass the simplest exams ever.

"Naruto make a shadow clone." Iruka asked the blonde who followed and made three shadow clones.

""Great! you passed." Iruka gave him the headband and patted his shoulder. He's proud of how Naruto grew up to be.

The Uzumaki smiled tied the headband in it's place then disappeared in a puff of smoke.

'that was a clone too?' Iruka and everyone in the room were shocked to see this.

Naruto on the other side was heading back to the village with team guy. The mission took longer than they expected and the clone he left behind only lasted for a week.

"Damn it now I should explain why I wasn't there." Naruto murmured after getting the memories of his clone.

"Said anything Naruto?" Neji the Hyuga in his team asked.

"It's nothing I passed the genin exam." Naruto answered with a smile that neji returned.

"Well Congratulations!!" Lee shouted excited for his friend.

In the month that Naruto replaced tenten in, they had a hard time getting along hence Naruto's fighting style is completely different than Tenten's but it was very useful.

It opened there eyes that the girl in their team should know how to fight with more than ninja tools to assest her teammates better.

Naruto gladly taught her some in exchange Lee offered to train with him on taijutu.

While Neji stayed away from Naruto. He didn't like how the blonde broke the rules like that and is on official missions even without graduating. While he had to wait the required years even tho he's talented just as much as Naruto and maybe more.

However it all disappeared in one incidence that happened not so long ago.

The team had to part ways in a mission Because Lee got injured and Guy took him back to the village.

Neji Naruto and Tenten had to carry it on alone. The Hyuga is the captain and he ordered Naruto to not interfere in anyfight and just protect the one they're escorting back to his village.

When they were attacked. Naruto kept his word and stuck to his role. Protecting the client while sending some shurikens and kunai's to cover his teammates blind spots.

The fight became more brutal but Naruto understood the priority of his client and not until Neji fell to his knees he made a move.

Pulling the brunette back closer to the client and far from the attackers he took the lead signalling Tenten to assest Neji while he took care of the rest.

It's their first time fighting against an actual powerful threat that outnumbered them greatly.

Naruto made one shadow clone that stayed behind him while the original started taking them out one by one.

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