Chapter 2 It's you ,and Who?

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Standing in this forest I see huge ancient looking trees like prehistoric a stream nearby I take my bag and walk over refilling my water bottle. " this water is so clean !"   Big fish are swimming around the water actually has a sweet scent it's faint but I take a sip " it is sweet!"  Standing I look around perhaps I should follow the river there should be people somewhere,  taking out my pocket knife I scratch a mark on the trees as I walk "  just in case I have no luck"  I said.  I can find my way back! I notice a big bird flying overhead "  I mean BIG like airplane kinda big!"  I pass through a thicket of leaves and see some berries there yellow Hmm "should I try it ?"   I thought then I see little red and blue birds land to eat some I think I will try I walk over pick on "the juice burst it's sweet and peachy,  raspberry like flavor I had a zipper bag in my bookbag so I got some not knowing when I'd find people! Walking along I come to a standstill.  "I'm staring at a gigantic bear!"  Don't panic don't run I told myself,  it growls at me " Oh shit I'm gonna die!"  I thought then a man came out between us growling and the bear ran away! "He turns to look at me , I finally found you!"  I'm looking at him he's a fox but not the guy from my dreams he has red fur ears on his head ,and a red fluffy tail  "Who are you?"  I came to fetch you for master ,I looked at him. " Uh where am I?"   I asked calmly " He's been waiting for you! .... We Walk awhile and I look ahead beastmen eagles , tigers , leopards, peacocks, everything I can think of and a Pegasus  " Oh am I really in Beastworld?" I suddenly became a spectacle beasts were stopping to look my way all these beastmen look like hot models and the women are looking jealous  " why I wonder to myself!" A group walked over stopping us " You stay away from our master !"  They spat a haughty , beastwomen walked up the others moving apart for her "stay away from our master I'm his future mate!"  They pushed me and I jumped back up "Look here you don't know me like that, you back off!" She growls  "Who dares touch my mate!"   I look up " It's you!"  He walks past them surrounding me in a hug  "I've missed you!"  " I can't believe I'm actually here!"  I smiled nervously, he rolls the bead on my necklace happily  " Let's go home and prepare for our night!"  Okay I'm thinking knowing the manga story I know he means mate ok it's not actually our first date is it? Looking behind I ask the other guy What's your name? " Kiyoshi " ..... we reach his home with is a lot more than expected actually nice several rooms a hide like blanket and rolled fluffy furs to sit on  "you can sit here !"  He blushes ok I sat down he brought me a drink it smells herbal  " is this a tea? " of sorts he said his servant Kiyoshi had some meat cooking over the fire sitting next me  " Let's get to know each other!" He said ,I nod  "yes let's do that !" And suddenly I'm met with a passionate kiss "forgive me please!"  It's ok "Verioath" I liked it ! So what will happen as they get closer? Will she have enemies? Or make friends or both?

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