The Siege of The North: Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry about me, this is your destiny and Aang's destiny," Akemi declared. "Both of you must help defend our city from the Fire Nation before it crumbles to nothingness."

"We will," Aang nodded reassuringly. 

Time Skip 

Once we were assigned our respective roles in the battle against the Fire Nation, Aang and I stood perched on an ice mound, on the lookout for any potential Fire Nation ships, both of our airbending staff in hand.

I hear footfalls approaching us and I turn around, spotting the Northern Water Tribe chief. "The stillness before battle is unbearable. Such a quiet dread."

Katara also makes her way to us, standing in between both of us. "I wasn't there when the Fire Nation attacked my people," Aang stands, looking up into the sky in determination. I'm going to make a difference this time."

"We're going to make a difference this time," I amended. 

All of us then congregate at the icy walls and fortress of the Northern Water Tribe, preparing and readying ourselves for the incursion that was to come. Eventually, I spot something bright and tiny from the horizon, soaring at a supersonic pace towards our position and growing bigger.

Before anyone of us could react, the fireball lands and crashes into the icy wall, sending a few of the people on the wall flying back and cracks began snaking up the wall, some chunks of it falling apart. 

"Get on, Suzume!" Aang shouts and I propel myself up, landing beside Aang at the reins. 

"Yip-yip!" With a mighty roar, the flying bison takes to the sky and we immediately spot the source of the fireballs, a lone Fire Nation Ship just at the horizon. 

We sail over the incoming fireballs aimed at the city until the soldiers notice us, directing the fireballs in our direction instead.

I leap up, slashing out at the fireballs with my staff and sending an air slash towards the fireballs, deflecting and redirecting all of them into the ocean. I land back down next to Aang just as we were nearing the Fire Nation ship.

"Nice job, Suzume. Ready to go?" Aang questioned, staring at the Fire Nation soldiers from above.

"We'll make this quick," I change my staff into a glider and Aang follows suit, both of us gliding down and landing on the ship. Aang immediately takes out the soldiers that surround us upon landing, airbending them against the ship. 

"I'll take down those machines on the left, you go with the ones on the right," Aang directed and we both split up in opposite directions. 

With a quick glance at the machine, I decide to make them non-functional instead of destroying them entirely. I summon a gust of wind, knocking the soldiers that were darting at me back. I then focus on the choppy sea, finding its rhythm and calling upon a huge wave of water, I direct them at the soldiers and freeze them entirely, rendering them useless and immobile. 

I take a deep breath, focusing my attention now on the heat of the Sun, drawing its heat into the light I was bending. I aim my fingers at the sling of the machine, slashing through and severing it entirely from the machine, doing the same to the sling of the machine beside it. Aang was making light work of the other trebuchets, destroying them entirely while he was at it too. He was about to destroy the last machine, not noticing the burly man that was standing behind him, holding two chained sledgehammers. 

I release my grip on the sunlight and quickly airbend the man away from Aang, directing a wave of water towards him and freezing him.

"Thanks, Suzume," Aang strikes the machine with a sledgehammer, making the projectile in the sling catapult into the machine, destroying it entirely in the process.

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