Chapter 6

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Jimin went out of building. He went to parking and as he approached his car he felt someone staring at him.
He had this feeling for days now that someone is watching him.

He looked around and saw a young man standing in front of him at a little distance with his bike.
At first glance he remembered the boy.

It was Kim Taehyung.

The boy was staring directly at him with a faint smile .
He didn't tried to diverge (😕dont remember other synonym  majoring in physics so bear with me😓 )  gaze but kept on staring at him.

Both were standing still non of them moved a little bit.

Jimin got a hint about the gift earlier.  He now knew about his new admirer .

This was first time someone was playing an open game . Before whoever came to him were always afraid of him but today the person standing at a little distance from him was clearly announcing with his eyes.

It suddenly clicked jimin that it's not going to be easy for him to stop the storm standing in front of him.

Those who came to him always begged or tried to express with words but the person was just silently standing there.

Just like they say

"The strom that comes silently creates unbelievable damage than those who creats noise before their arrival "

Then he saw boy walking toward him. He wasn't looking like the person who was sitting beside his father with head down but a wild tiger with power pride.
Tae came near to him and said

"Nice to see you again Mr Park! Did you like my gift? "
Tae was staring directly in Jimin's Amber  eyes with his blue eyes which had thousands of emotions in them . His face was as stunning as always with a faint smile that can kill anyone .

"Mr Kim it's first and last warning for you stay away from me !"

"Warning are like kink to me instead of fear I  feel like they are turning me on more"

"Park Jimin you are the very first person who shaked my emotions without trying but trust me I'll try every mean to shake you "

"I Kim Taehyung have never liked anyone but today here standing in front of you
I'm announcing that
You Park Jimin will be mine , mine and only mine "

Jimin didn't said anything just calmly stared at boy and then came closer to him and whispered in tae's ear.

"Kids shouldn't fight with fire it can burn you alive "

Then Jimin patted on his cheek and stepped back.

"Kim Taehyung I'm not interested in kids like you , And if you insist to try then make sure to not cry and begg cause even that won't melt my heart and you better return silently to where you came without creating scene I hate crying weaklings  and one more thing don't play with me you'llend up hurting yourself"

Jimin corrected his tie and went into his car but before he could leave he heard tae saying

"Park Jimin I have left with all the boats burning ,(boats burning means   he has destroyed  his way to go back) so there is no question of returning. Victory or defeat does not matter now.

because they say:

In battle of  love

Feel free to bid (gamble)  whatever you want

If you win then its wonderful

But Even if you lose, you are not defeated..."

then the car speeded away disappearing from tae's eyes .

Tae didn't move from his place for like moment.
Then rode his bike and went to his home  cause he had alot to do .
He was going to shift in his new apartment by tonight .

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