How you met

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(This will be in first person pov)

I stood at the beach in a pretty (f/c) dress. A week earlier my boyfriend had asked me to meet him here in this exact spot.

"Baby look pretty"

He said

"Get your nails done and for the love of everything do something with your hair"

He said.

"Go buy yourself the most beutifull dress under the sun and some shoes too"

He said

"Meet me at the beach in one week at 19:00, I have somethin for you"

He said.....

How naive could one woman be. At first it was simple love at first sight. He was good looking and had an amazing personality.  His flowing/short (f/c) hair. His deep (e/c) eyes. That body...

Guess you can't have both in one man...

I bit my lip in pure excitement as I arrived at the beach. The waves crashing beautifully on the sand. The sunset was a mixture of pink, red and orange.

I looked into the car review mirror, making sure my mackup wasn't ruined. Poping a mint in my mouth and quickly chewing it so my breath smells minty. The forest looked beutifull in the back.

I got out of my car and began making my way towars the beach. Watching the water crash.

How soothing....

A light breeze came through slightly blowing my hair behind me along with my dress. My shoes long forgotten in my car and my bare feet leaving light traces behind me.

There he stood.....

The man of my dreams. Our relationship wasn't always amazing but most of it was. He was a great man. Smiling a gently smile, keeping myself from squealing at the scene now infront of me.

There he stood in his white suit, his hair neat and shiny, on one knee.

My heart was ready to leave my chest.

This is finally happening?!!!?

A tear ran down my cheek.

"Y/N we have known another for a long time. We have been together for a long time. I have loved you since the first moment I met you and i knew I would love you forever more. Those beautiful eyes of yours. Your flowing hair, that damn hot body. Please do me the favor and be mine.. will you marry me Y/n?"

Not being able to keep my tears back anymore I let them run freely.


He stood up running to me and hugging me tightly.

"Let's go the boys are waiting for us at that restaurant"

I smiled and followed him. Admiring the new found jewlery on my ring finger.

He carried me inside and everybody starting cheering.

He put me down and the smile instantly left my face. It was all his friends. Just a bunch of men and some other girls chilling here. We have barely been here 10 min and he was already chugging.

Beer after beer. Shot after shot.....

"Uhm Babe I think we should go home now..."

He didn't even bother looking way staring at other woman.

"Babe this isn't very approachable"

This obviously caught his attention as he grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him with force.

"Listen Y/n, I don't know if you're blind but all out friend came to celebrate out engagement how about you show some appreciation okay?"

I nodded my head and looked at the ground. Funny how they say they'll change but they never do.....

"Yeah I'm just going outside for some fresh air"

I slowly made my way out the stupid restaurant walking back to the beach. It was a bit darker then before and a bit colder now too. I sat on the wet sand listening to the ocean.

Taking the ring off I played around with it in my hand.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not a stalker I promise, i saw what he did and no man should ever treat a fashionable queen like that."

Being startled I stood up looking around.


No answer.

"I'm speaking to you through your mind my dear. It's to early to meet face to face you might not like what you see. But don't be afraid I mean no hard whatsoever."

I sat back down on the sand but it felt soft and dry this time. Feeling why, there was a abnormally large vest under me..

"So like can you read my thoughts too?"

There was a moment of silence before he spoke again

"Yes but I try not to. It feels as though I'm invading your privacy. Why get engaged to a man who had done this to you before?"

A tear rolled down my cheek as I rested the side of my face on my arms resting on my knees.

"I thought he would change. He said he's sorry and he'll change but it's always just the first 24 hours then he's back to his old self again. I guess I wanted to believe he'll change but I was naive really"

My breath hicked in my throat as a finger wiper the tear from my face.

"Its alright dear. It's just me. Sometimes you have to let go. And no is definitely one of those times. Sweetheart he has got you exactly where he wants you. You are engaged now, he'll be nice for a short while but after marriage he'll go back to his old ways and maybe even worse. Don't let that happen"

This might be cliche but his right....

I smiled at the ocean one last time befor getting up and walking to my car again.

I'm keeping the ring I could sell it for a fortune hehehe

"I'm Y/N..."

I looked around spotting a rather tall figure  within the forest.

"Mmm you can call me Trendy love. I'll see you again soon Y/n. Take care of yourself and keep up the good fashion"

I smiled at his comment before getting in my car and finally driving off.

Yeah we'll definitely meet again Trendy

Creepypasta Boyfriend scenarios CuteOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora