How you met

69 0 3

Eyeless jack

(This will be in first person pov)

I was listening to some calming music as per usual. Cleaning off my equipment and tables. Sweeping a bit here and there and taking out the trash.

Just as was about to close up for the night a familiar "ding" made it's way to my ears. That ding came from the elevator.

Sighing I knew this was going to be another long night.

"Aaah you're still here (y/l/n)"

The leading officer spoke as he entered through the two black doors. Soon after another three officers came in following suit. They entred pushing stretchers carrying black bagged bodies as they made their way into my morgue.

"We need a name and cause of death and time of death by tomorrow morning. Goodluck and Goodnight."

They all left. And soon it was just me alone with the three dead bodies. Opening the first black body bag I zipped it down a bit to find what looked to be the face of a young boy.

Zipping down the bag completely I picked up his tiny body and placed his naked body on the table. Walking around the table I moved my white board closer to me and put my camera recorder on.

Putting on some latex gloves and scrubs while I was at it. Luckily the boy wasn't heavy so it was easy for me to move him on to the table.

"This is Y/n Y/L/N, the time is currently 2:12am and it's Friday the 13th. I am here with a boy whom looks to be no older then maybe 15. This assessment will be done in two phases. Phase one being outer body assessment and phase two being internal"

Soft music playing in the background and I stayed silent and assesed his body. Walking around the table and looking at different parts checking for any outer signs of trouble.

Moving toward his head I immediately identified caused of death. Rather simple actually.

"Phase one begins. The boy seems to have suffered a blow to the head. There are no other outer signs of trouble or broken bones or any sorts or cuts or mutilations. Only a broken scull and a dent in the side of his head, looks to be as big as bowling ball"

Again I stayed quite and assessed him further making sure I was 100% sure of my facts. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary I grabbed my scalpel preparing for phase two.

"Phase two will now begin. I will cut his chest starting from his left pectoralis major moving down to his abdomen, doing the same with the other side"

Cutting a Y shape into this skin. I stopped for a second and looked around.

Thought I heard a rustle

Shrugging it off as being sleep deprived p I went back to work.

"No sight of internal damage, all organs looks healthy. No damage done. I will now proceed to weigh the brain"

Grabbing my bone saw I proceeded to remove his brain and weigh it.

"Brain is a healthy weight except being now squished hehehe."

Putting the brain in a bag I placed it in the little fridge I had in the corner of the room, I closed him back up and went over to the sink. Taking off my gloves and washing my hands thoroughly.

Switching off my camera I put on a new pair of gloves and scrubs. Opening the second body bag I found what I definitely could not explain not even to myself let alone somebody els.

There was a body in there.... with grey skin. Not burnt, not filled with ash. No. Grey skin. Pulling his eyelids apart I was even more shocked to find his eyes were missing.

Instead just a black void with a tar like substance dripping down the side.

"What the hell is going on here"

I whispered softly to myself. That's when i noticed his other eye was open and "staring" at me aswell. I jumped back in suprise, accidentally placing my hand on the equipment table and cutting my hand.

I hissed at the pain and held my hand to my chest. The body came to life. I closed my eyes as my body shaked not knowing what to expect next.

"'re a zombie. Zombies can smell blood. Please don't eat me. I don't wane be a zombie."

Standing there shivering, on the verge of crying I opened my eyes after not hearing sound for quite a while.. After not hearing any sound of a while. There was no one. Not a single soul besides the one that left my body.

I looked down at my bleeding hand. Calming down a bit. It was bleeding seriously. No wonder my scalpel cuts so easily it's been sharpened.

I made my way over to the sink and rinsed my hand. Just before opening the tap I heard what sounded like a squish noise.

Slowly turning around the smoky man stood behind me. He had taken a bite of what looked to have been a kidney.

Before I could scream he covered my mouth and looked me dead in the eyes.

"I'm not here to kill you anymore so relax. I got what I came for. He motioned over to the jars of kidneys standing on the table."

I nodded my head and he slowly took his hand away from my mouth.

"Who are you and why is your skin like that? Are you dead, are you i-"

He placed a finger over my mouth motioning me to be quite.

"Stop with the questions I have a headache. No I'm not dead or well never mind. I'm Jack. You can call me Ej"

I nodded and he once again removed his hand from my mouth. He gently took my cut hand and had a look at it before his deep voice spoke again.

"The cut looks deep. Keep it under the water for a moment"

I did as told and he came back with some stitching material and a bandage. He placed the bandage and thread on the table along with some injection he pulled out of his pocket.

"What's that for?"

He sighed

"In all honesty I was going to kill you and this would have made my job easier. Lucky for you there was a fridge filled with kidneys so I have no need to kill you."

I didn't even want to know what he needed them for.

He took the protector off the injection and quicker then I could react injected me in the neck. I looked at him for a mere second before passing out.

I woke up the morning early to a knock on the door. Realizing the time after staring st the clock for several second I rushed towards the door. I was till wesring my clothes from last night. Hiding my now bandaged hand behing my back.

Bloody help I didn't finish last night. Wait JACK!?!!? Was he even real? Shoot what am I gone tell them.

"Goodmorning y/l/n I assumed you finished by now?"

I have never been late with work, so I nodded. I had no excuse.

Bloody Jack.

Making my way to the morgue I stared in disbelief. The bodies were all cut and Jack was missing in action. The charts have been filed in. Everything was done.

"So the grey dude we bought in was just covered in ash?"

I nodded being absolutely flabbergasted. They nodded and left. I smiled stupidly to myself as I went back upstairs to my home.

He saved my ass.

Going back to bed I found a little note laying on my pillow.

"I'll see ya again really soon Y/n take care of your hand for me and get some rest those bags under your eyes are nearly darker then my skin"

Giggling I laid in bed day dreaming of Jack.

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