14th February, I miss you

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I dont know if you ever gonna read this letter, or if you are out there, I still remember the last time we spoke and it seems so far to me.

I just want to say that right now, in this moment, just like yesterday and tomorrow or any moment of my life... i am thinking in you. Wondering how you feel, how are you and what can I do to make you happy and put a smile that face; because when you are happy I am too.

I still remember how all that anxiety, overthinking and cold face I had vanished with just " hi " from you. Perhaps the only thing that I can do, that comes to my mind is pray for you. Wait for the best and hopefully you will find what you are looking for, find yourself.

In case you ever read this, I love you, I will always love you and I miss you my sunshine.

Intj nerd and Enfp potato girl, letters for youWhere stories live. Discover now