5th of December, my birthday

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Most of my friends or neighbors used to have big parties or overseas trips for birthdays. In my case I am thankful with all the efford my parents and family did for me in this particular date. I even remember, one time I was back from school, no expectations at all, but one of my aunts visited me with a small digimon cake. Such inner joy because more than the present itself, the fact some of them listened to my nerdy tastes was heartwarming.

Now, it is the same day as a year before, monday, had to work but with my luck, today I had to deal with my stuborn boss and those unrational ideas which are a living hell, even more because I tent to act according to logic instead of a dumn concept like " it is right because I say it ".

Anyways, it was indeed a shitty moment, but ... There was this person.
This ENFP girl, who, besides having her own problems, challenges, exams, assigments, chores and many more, made two presents for me.

The first, that poem, which believe me, coming from a cold and distant person like me wouldnt make any effect on me, my life never had space for art and even more a poem. Although, those few seconds when I read the words, noticing the way you express, the verses, it is so you and even more. Somehow, you put a big smile in my face, I couldnt hold it, I even left some tears, that doesnt make sense at all for me. How can you make feel like this and even more, rush my heart with some words.
Believe me, if I could, I will express in the best way how much I love your gift, I love all you create, that piece of your creative mind that for my eyes is best art in the universe.

And then, your second gift, a drawing of me holding my old dog, such ball of cutness and lazziness, and .... You, kissing me. COM'ON. That is the perfect definition of unfair. I even forgot the amount of times or for how long I saw it, the details, colors, and of course, the fact that it was made by your hands for me, I can't find words, nothing is close to enough to say how happy you made and make me, perhaps the best I can do is try my best, at least make you as happy as you always do to me. I will marry you my love, my girl, my universe. Today, in my birthday, with this messy life where I deal with a stressful job, I got the blessing of meeting you, and even more, to fall for someone who takes her own time and imagination for two presents. Thanks my love, thanking you will never be enough, I love you, I will always love you.

Intj nerd and Enfp potato girl, letters for youOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz