24th, How do I love you ?

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As always I tent to overthink about different topics and one of those days I asked myself How do I love you ?
Before answering that important question I had to put myself aside, see how I am form a far perspective and
this is what I could noticed instantly.
I am super introvert, certainly a living example of introversion which is related to the fact of the joy I have
with my own company, I talk a lot with myself, planing and daydreaming with a mix of plans, ideas and nerd hobbies,
even the funny part is that I actually enjoy and love studding the topics I love.
However, the negative side of all this  can be my social walls, I am selfish, aim for solitude and keep almost not
unnecessary interaction with other people. I even have this life goal of living in cabin, far in the woods, next to a lake
some blizzard and light rain, spend the cold nights next to fire, just me.

Placing a person like this, the question of the beginning returns. How a guy like this could love ?
I have to analyse how our relation began, just with normal talks, knowing each other, nothing out of normal, I even remember
considering you as a good friend who I wanna invite one day to my future home in the forest.
But as time passed, I know more about the surface, I heard your stories, your life, child stories,the good and bad moments
, and also you took your time to listen me, my dreams, fears, defeats, victories, I never before shared so much with
a person.
In that wonderful journey, I don't know exactly when but I passed from, looking for a friendship, trough crushing with you,
to even like you and yes, Love you.
I don't have words to describe how it works, I just know it exist, the love is there and it is real. And I am not implying
that I the selfish person with high personal boundaries is gone, I am still the same way, my dreams and life goals are
there, also my hobbies and tastes and obviously my clear flaws . However, this time, when I project one of my life dreams,
me in the forest cabin, near the fire in a cozy couch, enjoying the night but I am not alone, I see you, I can touch you, hug and kiss. I see you in my future,
and believe me, that is saying to much coming from a future driven person like me.
But that is not a proper answer to that question, how do I love you ?
That is hard indeed, so far what I can think is remember what you say like, your favorite food is indommies, your love for
kdramas and Kpop, also modern music, also what you hate and brings you suffering, also the good parts like hugging,
which in words is a must( I love your hugs so much). Therefore, I am learning, is a long path, but I wanna learn more about her,
she is my favorite topic to study. Such a compliment coming from a nerd guy.
But...Why I keep all that information in my already messy mind, simple, I wanna make her happy, life is hard and we all
have battles that must fight, it can be hard but I wanna be there for you, even in small detail as asking how are you
all days, being kind and thankful, support and encourage you in your challenges. I know that I am not an expert or have
an answer to every problem, but I will try my best, I love how you are and without question you have a beautiful smile
and yes it might be silly but I wanna try to make you smile many times, make you happy. Because for me, it is the perfect
example of 'if you are happy then I am too' and if you wonder that is way easy for you, just say hi and will blush.
Does it makes sense ?, a big of me want you to do the activities you like, enjoy them, and certainly see you delight,
as a comment, you have a beautiful smile, I will never be tired of watching you being you.

So far I don't feel that I am even close to define what is love or how I love you, but so far this is what I have.
I love her, my favorite topic to learn.
will never stop, even now I ask constantly how are or how you feel, I wanna know, I care.
I wanna learn all that to make you happy, help you love life.
And finally, I love the way you are, all of you, good and bad, you might not notice but
YOU ARE AWESOME, wonderful,
fantastic, amazing, the best person I ever met, I admire you darling.
I hope one day, I can complete the answer to this question, I don't know what love is, but I know that I love you.

Intj nerd and Enfp potato girl, letters for youWhere stories live. Discover now