2nd june, first letter

250 7 2

When was the last time we talked, 17th may, still remember that day, so sudden, I didnt have the chance to say good bye, I couldnt ask about your day, all world changed in matter of seconds.

For now I just wanna say that I am fine, same as family, there just this little detail, I cant stop thinking in you, I miss you so much and I love you. I know you said one time that you want to save those words for special occasions, but my mind and heart order me, have to say it all days, cuz I love you every single day.

A big part of me wanna talk for hours with you, there are thousand of topics, jokes, memes, memories to share, but the first that comes every single time when I think in you is ... ask about your day, how you feel, dont forget to drink water, and selfcheck, also eat healthy food.....I just want you to be happy.

Hahahah, a part of me dreams with you reading these words. And just hoping that we will talk again, until that day I will still pray, pray all days for you. Take care miss, and ps. I love you.

Intj nerd and Enfp potato girl, letters for youWhere stories live. Discover now