16th December, yesterday I went to sleep seeing your face

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It is fascinating how your life changes, one day you found me and like I mentioned before, my plan was to be only your friend. And you know the rest of the story, and today you told me something that I didn't expected " think in meehh ".
Hahahah, my love, my babe, my sunshine, my darling; Do you have any idea of how much I think in you ? My love, you are always in my mind and my heart, I wake up and already thinking in you, I go with my normal day and I wonder what are you doing, if you are fine, happy, sad, tired, excited, busy or free, if you have already eat, in your words " food is love, love is food " and I love you.
When something happens to me, negative or great no matter, my mind wanna tell you right away, I wanna share my day with you, I wanna share my thoughts, plans, dreams, fears, crazy ideas, embarrassing memories with you, it is a long walk and you met a part of it, but I am an open book for you. My love, I don't only think about you, I also think in all the ways I can share my life and share with my significant other.
And how curious is life, that petition you made made me remember two thinks, an inner discussion I had a long ago, and I the happy memory of yesterday. Let me explain you both.

The last year, months later after I told you for the first time I love you, I was like always overthinking and in this time there was a a complex existential "easy to answer " question which was something like this :
" I love her, I love her personality, and I love her face, she is attractive and beyond gorgeous, but ... if she had other face I will still love her ? "
Yes, it jumped right away in my head, but a few seconds later came the second question WHY ?
For me the answer is related with the way we met,as the tittle suggest, letter from an intj to an enfp, I had the pleasure to met who you are first, your personality, characters, likes and dislikes, day after day, you earned my heart. And surprise surprise, one day, that day, September 3rd, I had the chance to see your face for the first time, and it was mean of you not to mention that small detail, why didn't you tell me before that you are the most beautiful woman in the world.
My gosh, my darling, I never knew how much I will love to see and admire the face so much, I even smile automatically, after so long I still blush when I see your eyes.

Don't misunderstand me, I fell in love with you because your personality, you know that, but I wont lie, I am lucky that my wife is also the most attractive woman in the universe, more luck than I deserve.

And seems I am talking to much again, I will end soon. Yesterday, I had the pleasure and fortune to see two photos of you, next to the window, in one the light on your face, the right amount to admire all the details. Your hair, those brown eyes, the nose, the cheeks, your edible lips, your perfect chick, all of it is sublime.
Need to focus again, already daydreaming with kissing you, my bad. Now, the second photo, now staring at the camera, the stare you have, the beauty of your teeth your everything. I apologize for not properly describing your beauty but it in moments like this my mind doesn't work and my heart takes the control.

I don't know if all I am saying make sense, so far all I did is try to express how I feel and I am just embarrassing myself. I will end saying thanks, thank you my love for sharing your time with me, thanks for all you have done so far, thanks you your mom to make you attractive, and thanks for all, I love you.

Yesterday I went to sleep, next to me, over the pillow, the two photos, all silence and calm, me tired after a long day but still with a soft smile in my mouth. Just me, seeing your face.

Tonight I will try to remember the details, your expression, lines, curves, colors, hope I can do it, and if I am lucky, I might dream with you.

Intj nerd and Enfp potato girl, letters for youKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat